Английский язык: самоучитель (Шевчук) - страница 14

Debi: Yes, please.

Nick: Thank you.

Debi: I want to go with my son. He is three.

Nick: No ticket for him. He is very little.

Debi: O.K.

Nick: This is your ticket, madam. It is forty pounds.

5. Say what you can do.

Say what your friends, you children can do.

Скажите, что Вы умеете делать. Скажите, что умеют делать Ваши друзья, Ваши дети.

Example: I can work on the computer.

drive a car

speak a foreign language

play the piano

see friends every day

play tennis

write a letter in English

watch TV every day

get a new job

have a trip to Great Britain

buy a new car

play computer games every day

clean the house

6. Read this text.


Are you typical?

I would like to tell you about myself and my family. We are the Davidsons: my wife, my two children and I. We are very typical. My children go to school and they hate it. Every day they ask: Please, we would like to sleep, to play computer games. But I say: No. School for you. No questions. And they go. I work in a bank. This is a good occupation. It gives us money. But it isn’t very interesting. I get up at six, and I can not see my children and my wife much. That’s bad. My wife would like to work too, but I don’t understand her. It is lovely to be at home, to watch TV, to cook. And she can cook very well.

But I can tell you something interesting about us. We play football. We all play football. We play behind our house. My wife can do it very well. We would like to be the champions of our town. We can do it! And we would like to do it. Every day when I finish work we go and play football. So, we are not very typical.

And you?

Are the sentences true or false?

Верны или не верны данные предложения?

1. Their children like to go to school.

2. Mr. Shevchuk works in a bank.

3. His job is very interesting.

4. His wife works too.

5. She can play football.

6. They play football with the champions.

Lesson 3. Information


1. Answer the questions about yourself.

Напишите ответы на вопросы о себе.

1. What is your occupation? Do you like it?

2. What is your nationality?

3. What country are you from?

4. What country would you like to see?

5. What foreign languages can you speak?

6. What would you like to buy?

7. Are you married or single?

8. Is your house large?

9. Сan you play football?

10. Can you eat in a steak house?

2. Make up correct sentences.


1. their / is / letter / this?

2. are / children / from / those / Russia.

3. not / houses / are / our / large.

4. these / can / we / films / see.

5. them / give / address / our.

6. clean / I / would / to / teeth / like.