Английский язык: самоучитель (Шевчук) - страница 17

To listen to music – My children like to listen to music.

To look at (the map, the screen) – I’d like to look at the map.

To meet (friends) – We meet friends in the evening.

7. Complete the sentences.

Закончите предложения.

1. For breakfast I have………………………………………….

2. I come home from work at………………………………………

3. They meet friends……………………………………………

4. My children go…………………………………………..

5. We like to listen……………………………………….

6. He is not at home, he is……………………………………

7. I want to look at……………………………………

8. Complete the gaps with a suitable word or phrase from the Box.

Вставьте пропущенные слова и фразы, взяв их из таблицы.

Meet friends, at home, at work, for lunch, at school, go to school, go to work, come home from work, look at, listen to music, at seven o’clock.

My day is very long. I get up ………………………………… I put my documents into the bag and ……………………………………… I am in my office at nine o’clock. My children …………………………………… with their nurse. ……………………………… they study foreign languages. They like their teacher very much. They ……………………………. her all the time. ………………………………. they have chips and juice.

It is seven o’clock in the evening, but I am still ………………………………

I …………………………………. at eight o’clock. It is very difficult.

My children like to ……………………………..in our house, but I don’t like that. In the evening I like to …………………………………or watch TV. It is lovely to be …………………………….

9. Answer the questions about yourself.

Напишите ответы на вопросы о себе.

1. When are you at work in the morning?

2. What do you do at work?

3. When do you come home from work?

4. What do you have for breakfast / for lunch?

5. Do your children go to school?

6. When do they come home from school?

7. What do they study at school?

8. Where do you meet your friends?

9. Where do your children meet their friends?

10. Do you like to listen to pop music, to rock music, to classical music, to jazz?

Language focus 2

Speech patterns


Good morning. – Доброе утро.

Good afternoon. – Добрый день.

Good evening. – Добрый вечер.

Good night. – Спокойной ночи.


Активная грамматика

Language focus 1

The verb «can»

Глагол «мочь, уметь»

I can speak French. – Я умею говорить по-французски.

Can you help me? – Вы можете мне помочь?

They can’t (can not) read English. – Они не умеют читать по-английски.

Where can I buy this book? – Где я могу купить эту книгу?

1. Write the questions and give negative answers.

Напишите вопросы к данным предложениям и дайте отрицательные ответы на них.

Example: She can play tennis.

Can she play tennis? She can’t play tennis.

1. My children can speak Spanish. …………..…………………………….……………….…