Армия Наполеона (Оливер, Патридж) - страница 189

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Partridge, Richard (ed.), Age of Napoleon (различные выпуски), Partizan Press Sapherson, СА, 1809 — А Year At War (в 5 томах), Raider Games, 1986

Smith, Digby, The Greenhill Napoleonic Wars Data Book, Greenhill Books, 1998

Von Pivka, Otto (Digby Smith), Armies of 1812 — vol. 1: The French Army, Patrick Stephens Ltd, 1977

Von Pivka, Otto (Digby Smith), Armies of the Napoleonic Era, David and Char-les, 1979

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Wilson, Peter H., German Armies — War and German politics 1648–1806 (серия Warfare and History), UCL, nd


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Bukhari, Emir, French Nароlеоniс Line Infantry, Almark Publications, 1974

Bukhari, Emir & Angus McBride, Napoleon's Cavalry, Osprey, 1979

Dempsey, Guy, Napoleon's Soldiers, Arms and Armour Press, 1994