Текстология Нового Завета. Рукописная традиция, возникновение искажений и реконструкция оригинала (Мецгер, Эрман) - страница 222

5 vols., Paris, c. 1883–1886, pp. 327, 554, 512, 549, 248.

Philip Schaff, A Companion to the Greek Testament and the English Version, New York, 1883, 616 pp.; 3rd ed., revised, New York, 1889, 618 pp.

Fr. schjøtt, «Det ny Testamentes Texthistorie i de tre første Aarhundreder», Teologisk Tidsskrift for den danske Folkekirke, i (1884), pp. 343–392; «De nytestamentlige Uncialhaandskrifter», Teologisk Tidssknft for den danske Folkekirke, vi (1889), pp. 432–457, 500–555.

Caspar René Gregory, Prolegomena, being vol. iii of Tischendorf's Novum Testamentum Graece, ed. octava critica maior, Leipzig, 1884–1894, 1426 pp.

Edward Miller, A Guide to the Textual Criticism of the New Testament, London, 1886,147 pp., reprinted 1979.

Benjamin B. Warfield, An Introduction to the Textual Criticism of the New Testament, London, 1886, 225 pp.

Arnold Rüegg, Die neutestamentlicke Textkritik seit Lachmann; ein Versuch zur Orientierung; Zurich, 1892, 97 pp. (with a list of N. T. MSS., their editors, and collators).

Berhard Nestle, Einführung in das griechische Neue Testament, Göttingen, 1897,129 pp.; 2te Aufl., Göttingen, 1899, 288 pp.; 3te Aufl., Göttingen, 1909, 298 pp.; Eng. trans, from 2nd German ed. by William Eadie, Introduction to the Textual Criticism of the Greek New Testament, London, 1901, 351 pp.

Charles F. Sitterly, Praxis in Manuscripts of the Greek Testament, New York, 1898; 4th ed. is part 3 of The Canon, Text and Manuscripts of the New Testament, New York, 1914, 126 pp.

Matheus Lundborg, Nya Testamentets text, dess historia och kritiska behandling i allmänna grunddrag, Lund, 1899,406 pp.

Marvin R. Vincent, A History of the Textual Criticism of the New Testament, New York, 1899,185 pp.

Kirsopp Lake, The Text of the New Testament, Oxford, 1900, 104 pp.; 6th ed., revised by Silva New, Oxford, 1928, 104 pp.

Frederic G. Kenyon, Handbook to the Textual Criticism of the New Testament, London, 1901, 321 pp.; 2nd ed., London, 1912, 381 pp.

Rudolf Knopf, Der Text des Neuen Testaments, Giessen, 1906,48 pp.

August Pott, Der Text des Neuen Testaments nach seiner geschichtlichen Entwicklung,Leipzig, 1906, 108 pp.; 2te Aufl., Leipzig, 1919, 116 pp.

Caspar Rene Gregory, Canon and Text of the Nezv Testament, New York, 1907, pp. 297–539.

______, Textkritik des Neuen Testamentes, 3 vols., Leipzig, 1900–1909, 1486 pp.

Hermann Freiherr von Soden, Die Schriften des Neuen Testaments in ihrer ältesten erreichbaren Textgestalt, I. Teil, Untersuchungen, i. Abteilung, Die Textzeugen, Berlin, 1902, 704 pp.; ii. Abteilung,