11 сентября 2001 (Мейссан) - страница 169

2.5 References

BBC News. 2001. «We Ran for Our Lives.» Account of Mike Shillaker. September 13.

Cauchon, D. 2001a. «For Many on Sept. 11, Survival Was No Accident,» USA Today.com. December 19. Cauchon, D. 2001b. «Four Survived by Ignoring Words of Advice,» USA Today.com. December 19. Computers and Structures, Inc. (CSI). 2000. SAP-2000. Berkeley, CA. Dateline NBC. 2001. «The Miracle of Ladder Company 6.» September 28. Hearst, D. 2001. «Attack on America: Survivors: Suddenly they started to yell out, `get out now': Bravery and fear mingled with disbelief,» Guardian Home Pages, page 15. Account of Simon Oliver. September 13.

Labriola, J. 2001. Personal account. Channel 4 News, «Inside the World Trade Center,» broadcast. September 13.

Masetti, A. 2001. Personal account received by email. December 21. Mayblum, A. 2001. Personal account. www.worldtradecenternews.org/survivorstory.html, World Trade Center Miracles section. September 18.

New York Board of Fire Underwriters. 1975. One World Trade Center Fire, February 13, 1975. Nicholson, W. J.; Rohl, A. N.; Wesiman, I.; and Seltkoff, I.J. 1980. Environmental Asbestos Concentrations in the United States, page 823. Environmental Sciences Laboratory, Mount Zion Hospital, New York, NY.

Scripps, H. 2001. «I walked out… I made it out alive,» Boston Herald.com. Account of John Walsh. September 14.

Shark, G., and McIntyre, S. December 5, 2001. ABS. Personal account. Smith, D. 2002. Report from Ground Zero. Viking Penguin, New York. p. 29. Zalosh, R. G. 1995. «Explosion Protection,» SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering, 2nd edition. Quincy, MA.

Isn't it comforting that a supposedly scientific article about the collapse of the WTC (apart from articles on the 1975 WTC fire) only quotes survival stories from media sources?

The author of the comments (italic) is unknown. This is one of many pages, mostly concerning 9/11, which appeared anonymously during 2002-2003 at nerdcities.com/guardian/. The website disappeared in April 2003, but is preserved at http://thewebfairy.com/nerdcities/.