33 Edwin B. Parker. Technology assessment or institutional changes? — G. Gerbner, L. Gross and W. Melody (Eds.). Communications technology and social policy. New York, 1973, p. 541.
34 "Science", 1975, 188 (4185), p. 213.
Глава четвертая
1 Edwin В. Parker. Social implications of computer/telecommunications systems. Draft of paper prepared for session "A" of the conference on computer/telecommunications, committee for scientific and technological policy, organization for economic cooperation and development. Paris, february 4—6, 1975.
2 Government of Finland, office of the council of state, Gune 1972.
3 "The New York Times", January 25, 1975.
4 Report of the meeting of experts on communications policies and planning, July 1972, document COM/MD2/4. Paris, UNESCO, decern ber 1972.
5 Communications policies in Hungary, Ireland, Sweden, Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of Germany. Paris, UNESCO, 1974.
6 International broadcast institute. Considerations for a European communications policy. London, 1973.
7 Robert Wangermee. Television, new broadcasting techniques and cultural development". Memorandum, document CCC/FES (72) 98, Strasbourg, council of Europe, October 9, 1972.
8 "The labor party". — "Tne people and the media". London, 1974.
9 Programme commune de gouvernement de la Parti Communiste Francaise et de la Parti Socialiste (27 juny 1972). Paris, 1972.
10 Communications policy workshop, ICODES (instituto Colombia desararollo social). Bogota, february 23—28, 1975 (mimeographed).
11 Revolution africaine, 1973, № 499, 14—20 September.
12 Ibid.
13 Proposals for a communications policy for Canada. Ottawa, march 1973.
14 Thomas Guback. Cultural identity and film in the European economic community, paper presented at conference "Film in Europe", London, February 21—23, 1974.
15 Kaarle Nordenstreng and Tapio Varis. Television traffic — a one—way street? — "Report and papers on mass communication", 70. Paris, UNESCO, 1974.
16 International economic report of the president, transmitted to congress february 7, 1974. Washington, D. C, 1974, p. 70.
17 Ithiel de Sola Pool. The rise of communications policy research.— "Journal of communication", 1974, 24 (2), pp. 31—42,
18 Raymond Williams. Television: technology and cultural form. London, 1974, p. 19.
19 Social indicators 1973, executive office of the president, office of management and budget. Washington, D. C, 1973, p. 225.
20 F. Kemper*. Democratization and participation in the dutch press, paper presented before the international association for mass communication research. Leipzig, September 12—20, 1974.