Восхождение человечества (Броновски) - страница 181

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Leakey, Louis S. B., Olduvai Gorge, 1951-61, 3 vols, Cambridge University Press, 1965-71.

Leakey, Richard E. R, 'Evidence for an Advanced Plio-Pleistocene Hominid from East Rudolf, Kenya’, Nature, 242, pp. 447-50, 13 April 1973.

Lee, Richard B., and Irven De Vo re, editors, Man the Hunter, Aldine Publishing Company, Chicago, 1968.

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Kenyon, Kathleen М., Digging up Jericho, Ernest Benn, London, and Frederick A. Praeger, New York, 1957.

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Piggott, Stuart, Ancient Europe: From the Beginnings of Agriculture to Classical Antiquity, Edinburgh University Press and Aldine Publishing Company, Chicago, 1965.

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Young, J. Z., An Introduction to the Study of Man, Oxford University Press, 1971.

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Gimpel, Jean, Les Batisseurs de Cathedrales, Editions du Seuil, Paris, 1958.

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Dalton, John, A New System of Chemical Philosophy, 2 vols, R. Bickerstaff and G. Wilson, London, 1808-27.

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Heath, Thomas L., A Manual of Greek Mathematics, 7 vols, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1931; Dover Publications, 1967.