Declared Hostile (Miller) - страница 120

could have a chance to enact some payback.

“Not sure of this one, sir. It’s moving southwest at 20 knots. Track 1724.”

“When will 1724 be in Colombian waters?” Matson asked.

Using his fingers, the Watch Captain measured the distance between the contact and the 12- mile territorial limit of Colombia. Outside 12 the vessel was in international waters.

“Four hours, sir. Maybe three, if he kicks it up.”

“I want you to find out what 1724 is,” Matson ordered. Turning to one of his staff officers, he added, “Rich, when you find out what 1724 is, come tell me, I’ll be in CVIC.”

“Yes, sir.”

Matson spun for Flag plot with Wilson in tow. When clear of CDC, he turned to Wilson. “Find Weed ASAP, and let’s meet in CVIC in five minutes.”

“Aye, aye, sir.” Wilson answered. He was certain that Coral Sea would resume flight quarters very soon.

* * *

Once in CVIC, Wilson called Ready Room 5 and the duty officer, Killer, answered the phone.

“Ready Five, Lieutenant Williams, sir or ma’am.”

“Killer, Skipper. Find Commander Hopper ASAP and have him meet me in CVIC. Do you have Trench’s tapes from 302?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Good, have a pilot bring them to me in CVIC on the double.”

“Yes, sir!”

“Get the Ops Officer to find four pilots to brief with me in an hour, three primaries and a spare. And get maintenance to prep five birds, four and a spare. We launch in two-point-five hours.”

“Aye, aye, sir!”

“Out here — but find Hopper. Get the ready room to help, and get him up here now.”

“Yes, sir!” Killer answered.

Wilson hung up. He knew he could not schedule a launch for his squadron, but, after watching CAG Matson and sensing his thoughts, the Firebirds would be ready.

Matson entered CVIC with the Chief Staff Officer Captain Ed Browne and motioned for Wilson to follow him into a debriefing room. Billy Martin and Commander Hofmeister joined them and, moments later, a breathless Irish handed Wilson two 8mm tapes, the tapes Trench was flying with.

“Pop them in, Flip,” Matson ordered. “Let’s see what he was looking at.”

Wilson did so and rewound the tapes to the time Trench estimated he had rigged the yacht. The men watched in silence as the yacht came into view. Matson led the commentary.

“That’s it, our track 1724. Look at the time… almost two hours ago. And there’s his Nav readout. He was on Mother’s one-seven-zero at eighty miles. Okay, Norb, check with the bridge. Find out where we were at 1102, and work backwards to plot where Ridgeline 302 was. The contact next to it is our contact of interest, and it may be track 1724. Ed, we need you guys to find where this guy is now, and I’m requesting a SEAL mission to take it down. We need to capture these guys and see what they are carrying — and who is ordering them.”