Практические упражнения для тренировки past simple
Упражнение 1
Перепишите предложения так, чтобы получилось простое
прошедшее время
1) I speak Italian very well.
2) Their children do not live in Madrid.
3) Her name is interesting.
4) These boys break the window at school.
5) My colleagues have pizza for lunch.
6) The dog is angry.
7) Martha sells dresses every day.
8) We often forget to walk the dog.
9) You have too many questions.
10) My relatives are not in Paris.
Упражнение 2
Образуйте вопросы к предложениям, которые даны ниже
1) I tried to come home at 6 p.m.
2) My aunt gave me an expensive gift.
3) They were very busy yesterday.
4) The child knew that man very well.
5) Bob went to the shop three hours ago.
6) His friend flew to New York last weekend.
7) We thought about this yesterday.
8) When I came, the telephone rang.
9) Her boyfriend became an artist last year.
10) My neighbors had a party last Friday.
Упражнение 3
Используя фразы и подсказки в скобках, расскажите, что
автор списка сделал или не сделал на прошлых выходных.
phone parents (+)
go for a walk (+)
clean the flat (-)