Ruthless (Keane) - страница 153

Rufus smiled to himself as the car drove away.

It didn’t matter.

‘Of course, your big problem is deportment,’ said Precious, when they were back at the Shalimar.

Layla sprawled on the bed. ‘Huh?’

‘The way you carry yourself.’

‘What’s wrong with the way I carry myself?’

‘Everything. You look as though you want to disappear into the wallpaper.’

Maybe I do, thought Layla.

‘So here’s what you do. You don’t slouch. You don’t cross your arms over your body – that looks very defensive.’


‘You don’t stare at the floor. I saw you in the hall with Alberto, having a conversation with the floorboards. That’s not on.’

‘Well what should I look at?’

‘Someone looks at you, you look back at them. Make proper eye contact. Look them in the eyes, and smile.’

‘Holy shit, how much more…?’

‘One final thing. Making an entrance. You know about making an entrance?’

‘Yeah. You come in the door.’

‘Don’t be flippant. It’s called the nailer, and it’s called that for a good reason. Watch, I’ll show you.’

Precious stepped out into the hall, closing the door after her. Then she came back in, looked at Layla, smiled her gorgeous wide-mouthed smile, and closed the door by leaning against it. She stood there for a moment, pinning Layla with the warmth of her smile, then she stepped forward, away from the door, and walked into the room.

‘You see?’ she asked Layla. ‘That’s the nailer. Try it.’

Layla crawled from the bed and did it. Went out the door, came back in. Leaned against the door. Looked at Precious.

‘Smile,’ said Precious.

Layla smiled.

‘No, that’s a grimace not a smile. Go out and try again.’

Layla did.

‘Better,’ said Precious. ‘Needs work, but definitely better. Now we’re going to have to think about accessories.’

‘Holy shit, how much more-’ said Layla.

‘Come on! On your feet, Layla Carter. We’re not done yet. I haven’t spoken to you about compliments, have I?’

‘What about them?’

‘How to accept them.’

‘OK. How?’ No one had ever complimented her. She did accounts. She worked, and when she wasn’t working, she worked out.

‘Graciously. Don’t deflect them. Say “thank you”, as if compliments are your due.’

‘I never get compliments.’

‘Trust me – you will now.’

That evening, while Precious and Destiny and China were working downstairs in the club, Ellie waved Layla to her office.

‘Your mum’s on the phone,’ she said.

Eagerly Layla took the phone. She was looking forward to telling Annie about her shopping trip, about what a total delight it was spending time with Precious. She opened her mouth to speak.

‘What do you think you’re playing at?’ demanded Annie.