Ruthless (Keane) - страница 51


‘Don’t be. It was all feckin’ arguments, a living hell. I was glad to be out of it.’

‘But you still see the child?’

‘Ah, sometimes.’ Rory’s mouth turned down. ‘Truth to tell, I don’t see either of them very much.’

‘I can’t say I took to her,’ admitted Rufus.

‘Ah, forget her. It’s good to see you again. I couldn’t believe it when you just cleared off without a word.’

Rufus shrugged, his eyes averted from Rory’s. If he hadn’t slipped away, Don’s boys would have nabbed him, and he’d be dead by now. Thanks, Megan, he thought. You cow.

‘I’d outstayed my welcome,’ he said.

‘Never,’ said Rory.

‘Megan didn’t want me there – and that was understandable, what with the child and everything.’

Rory couldn’t deny it. ‘So what have you been up to?’

‘Oh, travelling, stuff like that.’

‘Seeing the world.’


‘Lucky bastard.’

Yeah, with Don on my tail every inch of the way. ‘You?’

‘Mechanic jobs, same as always. Boring, but it pays. Still doing a bit on the nags, too.’

‘Drink up. We’ll have another,’ said Rufus.


‘I don’t like him,’ said Orla as time wore on and Rory stayed.

‘What?’This had come out of left-field for Rufus. Everyone loved Rory. He was chatty and charming. Certainly Orla’s mum adored him, making no end of a fuss, and even Davey seemed to enjoy his company.

‘He’s a shifty little fellow,’ she said.

‘Rory? No, he’s not. He’s a bit on the loud side, I grant you, but…’

‘I wouldn’t trust him if I were you.’

Orla didn’t trust anybody. Rufus felt the words rise to his lips and quickly stifled them. He didn’t want to fight with her.

‘Why not?’ he asked.

‘Because he’s turned up here unannounced. And why?’

‘I told you why. He’s in the area to look over some horses. We used to go to the sulky races together. He loves the nags.’

‘So he says. When’s he going to get on and do that, then?’


‘What? You’re too trusting, Rufus.’

‘I’ve known Rory since we both crawled from our prams.’

Orla shrugged. ‘I’m only saying.’

‘I don’t think your cousin likes me very much,’ said Rory as he helped clear some shrubbery with Rufus one day. He hadn’t gone off to see any horses yet. After that first mention of it, he hadn’t spoken of it again. And Rufus did wonder about that, just a bit.

‘What, Orla? She don’t care to mix much. Take no notice.’

Rufus felt embarrassed by Orla’s behaviour around Rory.

‘He’s nothing but a gobshite,’ she said when Rufus asked her why she disliked him so much.

He couldn’t tell Rory that.

‘If I’m in the way…’ said Rory.

‘You’re not. You’re welcome here, of course you are.’

‘What is it with you two? Are you…?’ He gave Rufus a knowing look.