Merciless (Армстронг) - страница 20

“Was she brutalized before her body was discarded like an unwanted animal? Or after, at the dump site? I’m betting after.”

“Who told you this?”

He clammed up when Mitzi refilled his coffee.

“How did you know?” Dammit. I shouldn’t have let that slip. “Are you having some kind of visions like John-John?” I demanded.

Rollie snorted. “If I did, I sure wouldn’t tell nobody.”

“Then why are you telling me this?”

He shoveled in a bite of white fluff. Then pointed his fork at me. “I didn’t tell you nothin’. I hazarded a guess.”

Outwardly, I managed a bored look. Inwardly, I imagined snatching away his pie.

“Ain’t ya gonna pull that high-handed fed crap and threaten to haul me in if I don’t cooperate?”

I offered a half shrug. “You haven’t actually given me any useful information, Rollie. You’re just guessing, right?”

“Guess you don’t know that Arlette Shooting Star ain’t the first dead girl to show up around here, and I doubt she’ll be the last.”

My jaw nearly hit the table.

Before I could formulate a response, he was gone.


On the drive home I couldn’t help but wonder what Rollie’s angle was. How could the FBI not be aware of other female deaths on the reservation that might relate to the Shooting Star case?

The crotchety old man had a bug up his butt about all law enforcement agencies-especially federal-since the American Indian Movement, known as AIM, uprisings in the 1970s. He refused to admit whether he’d been involved in the AIM violence. But given his issues with the government after his military discharge during the Vietnam War, I wouldn’t be surprised if he’d masterminded some of the shit that’d gone down.

My dad hadn’t been sheriff during those rocky years, so I hadn’t known details about the outbreaks of fatal violence until I’d studied the case histories and investigations during my training at Quantico.

Since I’d already been assigned to an FBI office with multiple Indian reservations in the jurisdiction, I’d had to take extra classes on racial sensitivity and honoring traditional Indian customs within the confines of federal laws. Not even being a registered member of the Eagle River tribe had let me klepp out of the courses.

Although I’d been armed with information after the lectures, nothing I’d learned about that turbulent time was cut and dried. Emotions ran high, untruths abounded, subterfuge on both sides culminated in tribal members and FBI agents dying. Not a particularly proud moment for either AIM or the FBI. But I had a better understanding of Indian resentment… as well as the feds’ frustration.