История лошади в истории человечества (Курская) - страница 179

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Marshall M. All American Horse, Kentucky Mountain Saddle Horse News, fall 2008, режим доступа: http://www.kmsha.com/magazine/archives/08_Fall/mag_feature.htm, 07.03.2015.

Montrar a la Jineta, Zenetes y Montoneras Gau-chas, блог Raices у Sabiduria, режим доступа: http://raicesysabiduria.blogspot.ru/2013/09/montar-la-jineta-zenetes-y-montoneras.html, 08.03.2015.

Olofsson J., Josefson E. Horse Sacrifice at Eketorp Fort, Sweden // The Frontier of Archeological Reconstruction, volume 49, number 1: 28–34.

Raulwing P. The Kikkuli Text. Hittite Training Instructions for Chariot Horses in the Second Half of the 2>nd Millenium B. C. And Their Interdisciplinary Context, December 2009.

Shahbazi A. Sh. Parthian Army, с сайта www.iranchamber.com, режим доступа: http://www.iranchamber.com/history/parthians/parthian_army.php, 05.01.2015.

Swart S. Riding High: Horses, Humans and History in South Africa. Johannesburg: Wits University Press, 2010.

The Military Horses’ Beginning, режим доступа: https://sites.google.com/site/historyofthewarhorse1/home, 06.01.2015.

Tomassini G. B. «A la brida» and «a la gineta.» Different riding techniques in the late Middle Ages and the Renaissance, сайт The Works of Chivalry, режим доступа: http://worksofchivalry.com/en/a-la-brida-and-a-la-gineta-different-riding-techniques-in-the-late-middle-ages-%E2%80%A8and-the-renaissance/, 08.03.2015.