Социология (Смелзер) - страница 507

Dawson, C.A., & Gettys, W.E. Introduction to sociology (rev.ed.) New York: Ronald Press, 1935.

Dearman, N.D., & Plisko, V.W. The condition of education. In Statistical edition, Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, 1980.

Deem, R. Women and schooling. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1978.

Deevey, E.S. The human crop. Scientific American, September I960, pp. 194–206.

DeLorean, J.Z., & Wright, J.P. How moral men make immoral decisions. In J.P. Wright, On a clear day you can see General Motors. Grosse Point, Mich.: Wright Enterprises, 1979.

Demerath, N.J., III, & Hammond, P.E. Religion in social context: Tradition and transition. New York: Random House, 1969.

Demos, J. A little commonwealth: Family in Plymouth Colony. London: Oxford University Press, 1970.

de Tocqueville, A. Democracy in America. New York: Knopf and Random House, 1945. (Originally published in 1835.)[28].

Dimock, M.E. Bureaucracy self-examined. In R.K. Merton et al. (Eds.), Reader In bureaucracy. New York: Free Press, 1952.

Dinnerstein, L., Nichols, R.L., & Reimers, D.M. Natives and strangers. New York: Oxford University Press, 1979.

Donosky, L., Keeping your work clothes on. Newsweek, November 1, 1982, p. 58.

Dore, R. British factory-Japanese factory: The origins of national diversity in industrial relations. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1973.

Douglas, A. The feminization of American culture. New York: Knopf, 1977.

DuBick, M.A. The organizational structure of newspapers in relation to their metropolitan environment. Administrative Science Quarterly, 1978, 23, 418–433.

Dundes, A., & Patger, C.A. Urban folklore from the paperwork empire. Austin, Texas: American Folklore Society, 1975.

Durkheim, E. The rules of sociological method. New York: Free Press, 1938[29].

Durkheim, E. [Education and society] (S. Fox, trans.). New York: Free Press, 1956. (Originally published in various sources, 1903–1911).

Durkheim, E. [The division of labor in society] (G. Simpson, trans.). Glencoe, III.: Free Press, 1964. (Originally published in 1893.)

Durkheim, E. [Suicide.] New York: Free Press, 1964. (Originally published in 1897. Also originally published in a foreign language.)

Durkheim, E. [The elementary forms of the religious life.] (J.W.Swain, trans.) New York: Free Press, 1965. (Originally published 1915.)

Easterlin, R.A. Birth and fortune. New York: Basic Books, 1980.

Easton, B. Industrialization and femininity: A case study of nineteenth-century New England. Social Problems, 1976, 24, 389–401.