Мобильность и стабильность на российском рынке труда (Авторов) - страница 311

Davis S., Haltiwanger J. Gross Job Flows // O. Ashenfelter, D. Card (eds.) Handbook of Labor Economics. 1999. Vol. 3. Ch. 41. Р. 2711–2805.

Davis S., Haltiwanger J., Schuh S. Small Business and Job Creation: Dissecting the Myth and Reassessing the Facts // Small Business Economics. 1996. 8 (4). Р. 297–315.

Disney R., Haskel J., Heden Y. Restructuring and Productivity Growth in UK Manufacturing // Economic Journal. 2003. Vol. 113. Р. 666–694.

Dolado J.J., Stucchi R. Do Temporary Contracts Affect TFP?: Evidence from Spanish Manufacturing Firms: IZA Discussion Paper № 3832. Bonn, 2008.

Faggio G., Konings J. Job Creation, Job Destruction and Employment Growth in Transition Countries in the 90s // Economic Systems. 2003. 27 (2). Р. 129–154.

Foster L., Haltiwanger J., Krizan C.J. Market Selection, Reallocation, and Restructuring in the US Retail Trade Sector in the 1990s // Review of Economics and Statistics. 2006. Vol. 88. № 4. Р. 748–758.

Foote C. Trend Employment Growth and the Bunching of Job Creation and Destruction // The Quarterly Journal of Economics. 1998. 113 (3). Р. 809–834.

Garibaldi P. Job Flow Dynamics and Firing Restrictions // European Economic Review. 1998. Vol. 42. № 2. Р. 245–275.

Grey A. Job Gains and Job Losses: Recent Literature and Trends: OECD Jobs Study Working Papers № 1. 1995.

Griliches Z., Regev H. Firm Productivity in Israeli Industry: 1979–1988 // Journal of Econometrics. 1995. Vol. 65. Р. 175–203.

Gomez-Salvador R., Messina J., Vallanti G. Gross Job Flows and Institutions in Europe // Labour Economics. 2004. Vol. 11. Р. 469–485.

Haltiwanger J. Measuring and Analyzing Aggregate Fluctuations: The Importance of Building from Micro-economic Evidence // Saint Louis Federal Reserve Bank Economic Review. 1997. January/February. Р. 35–85.

Haltiwanger J., Vodopivec M. Gross Worker and Job Flows in a Transition Economy: An Analysis of Estonia // Labour Economics. 2002. 9 (5). Р. 601–630.

Haltiwanger J., Scarpetta S., Schweiger H. Assessing Job Flows across Countries: The Role of Industry, Firm Size and Regulations: IZA Discussion Paper № 2450. Bonn, 2006.

Haltiwanger J., Scarpetta S., Schweiger H. Assessing Job Flows across Countries: The Role of Industry, Firm Size and Regulations: NBER WP № 13920. 2008.

Haltiwanger J, Scarpetta S., Schweiger H. Cross Country Differences in Job Reallocation: The Role of Industry, Firm Size and Regulations: EBRR WP № 116. 2010.

Haltiwanger J., Jarmin R., Miranda J. Who Creates Jobs? Large vs. Young: NBER WP № 163000. 2010.

Heckman J., Pages C.