Инновационная концепция модернизации теории и практики физического воспитания (Столяров) - страница 554

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1684. Brake M. (1980). The Sociology of Youth Culture and Youth Subcultures. – London.

1685. Brennpunkte der Sportwissenschaft. – 1988. N. 2. – S. 126–229.

1686. Вridgman P.W. (1954). The logic of modern physics. – N.-Y.

1687. Brohm Jean-Marie (1976). La civilisation du corps: sublimation et désublimation répressive // Sport, culture et répression. – Paris. – Р. 61–91.

1688. Bubner C., Mienert C. (1987). Bausteine des Darstellenden Spiels. – Frankfurt/M. – 183 S.

1689. Bugeja Lino (1999). The Paradox and Contradictions in Sport: The Paper presented at the 4th Joint International Session for Educationists and Staff of Higher Institutes of Physical Education, 28 May – 3 June 1999, Ancient Olympia, Greece. – 13 p.

1690. Cagigal Jose M. (1969). Social Education through Sport: a Trial // Report of the 8th Summer Session of the IOA. – Athens. – Р. 38–56.

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1696. Coakley J.J. (1990). Sport in Society – Issues and Controversies. 4th edition – St. Louis: C.W. Mosby.

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