Уголовное наказание: понятие, цели, состав исполнения. Монография (Орлов) - страница 2

Responsible secretaries:

D.V. Zakalyapin (within the North-Caucasian Federal District, Stavropol)

E.L. Radnayeva (within the Siberia Federal District, Ulan-Ude),

E.L. Sidorenko (within the Central Federal District, Moscow)

A.P. Skiba (within the Southern Federal District, Rostov-on-Don)


E.V. Gridyakina,

Director of Non-State Educational Institution Educational Centre (NSEI EC) “Lingvo Professional”


A.P. Dmitrenko,

Associate Professor at Criminal Law Chair of FSCEI HPE “Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation”, Doctor of Law, Associate Professor;

K.Y Obrashiev,

Head of Criminal Juridical Disciplines Chair of FSCEI HPE “Academy of the General Prosecution of the Russian Federation”, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor

Orlov V.N. Criminal Penalty: Notion, Aims, Contents of Executing: Monograph. – Moscow: MSJU by O.E. Kutafin (MSJA), JUSTITIA, 2013. – 416 p. – (Library of the Bulletin “Russian Criminological Outlook”).

In the monograph, the author analyzes the notion, contents, aims of the criminal penalty and the contents of its executing. For the first time, the objective and subjective features (elements) of the contents of penalty executing were so complexly analyzed.

This edition is meant to be of interest to the students, post-graduates, lecturers of juridical colleges, practitioners and representatives of the criminal executive system and other law enforce-ment organs, others interested in criminal penalty.

© Orlov V.N., 2013

© Russian Criminological Outlook, 2013

© Moscow State Juridical University by O.E. Kutafin (MSJA), 2013

Материал, не отмеченный в содержании, публикуется на русском языке; материал, отмеченный звездочкой, публикуется на двух языках: русском и английском.

The material, not marked in the Contents, is published in Russian; the material, marked by one asterisk, is published in two languages: Russian and English.

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