Иногда они возвращаются (Кинг) - страница 34

- Что, дядя, не терпится поскорее закруглиться?

“That's right,” Jim said. “You be there.”


“You'll be there,” Jim said, and hung up.

- Да, - сказал Джим. - Так что приходите.

- Может быть.

- Придете, - сказал Джим и повесил трубку.

It was almost dark when he got to the school. He parked in his usual slot, opened the back door with his pass-key, and went first to the English Department office on the second floor. He let himself in, opened the record cabinet, and began to flip through the records. He paused about halfway through the stack and took out one called Hi-Fi Sound Effects. He turned it over.

Когда он подъехал к школе, уже почти стемнело. Он поставил машину на привычное место. отпер своим личным ключом заднюю дверь и поднялся в офис английского отделения на втором этаже. В офисе он открыл шкаф с пластинками и, перебрав около половины, нашел нужную: «Звуковые эффекты».

The third cut on the A side was “Freight Train: 3. 04”. He put the album on top of the department's portable stereo and took Raising Demons out of his overcoat pocket. He turned to a marked passage, read something, and nodded. He turned out the lights.

Room 33.

На третьей дорожке стороны А была запись под названием «Товарный поезд 3:04». Он положил пластинку на крышку переносного проигрывателя и достал из кармана плаща захваченную из дома книгу. Нашел отмеченное место, перечитал, покивал головой. Выключил свет.

Комната 33.

He set up the stereo system, stretching the speakers to their widest separation, and then put on the freight-train cut. The sound came swelling up out of nothing until it filled the whole room with the harsh clash of diesel engines and steel on steel.

With his eyes closed, he could almost believe he was under the Broad Street trestle, driven to his knees, watching as the savage little drama worked to its inevitable conclusion .

Он установил динамики на максимальном удалении друг от друга и завел пластинку. Внезапно все пространство заполнили пыхтящие и лязгающие звуки локомотива.

Закрыв глаза, он без труда перенесся мысленно в тоннель, где перед ним, стоящим на коленях, разворачивалась жестокая драма с неотвратимым финалом.

He opened his eyes, rejected the record, then reset it. He sat behind his desk and opened Raising Demons to a chapter entitled “Malefic Spirits and How to Call Them”. His lips moved as he read, and he paused at intervals to take objects out of his pocket and lay them on his desk.

First, an old and creased Kodak of him and his brother, standing on the lawn in front of the Broad Street apartment house where they had lived.