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(London, 1997).

Helen C. Evans and Bruce White, St Catherine’s Monastery, Sinai, Egypt: A Photographic Essay (New York, 2004).

Evangelos Chrysos, “1054: Schism?” in Cristianità d’Occidente e Cristianità d’Oriente (secoli VI–XI), 2 vols. (Spoleto, 2004). Vol. 1. P. 547–567.

Глава 5

Церковь Святой Софии

Эпиграф к главе: Procopius, The Buildings, tr. H. B. Dewing and Glanville Downey (Cambridge, Mass., 1940). P. 21.

О строительстве церкви Св. Софии см. Mango, The Art of Byzantine Empire. P. 78–102.

Averil Cameron, Procopius and the Sixth Century (London, 1985).

Anna Muthesius, “Silken diplomathy”, in Jonathan Shepard and Simon Franklin, eds., Byzantine Diplomacy (Aldershot, 1992). P. 237–248.

Glen Bowersock, Mosaics as History (Cambridge, Mass., 2006).

Eunice Dautermann Maguire and Henry Maguire, Other Icons: Art and Power in Byzantine Secular Culture (Princeton, 2007).

Глава 6

Мозаики Равенны

Эпиграф к главе: Agnell, Book of the Pontiffs of the Church of Ravenna, tr. D. M.Deliyannis (Washington DC, 2004). P. 200.

Charles Barber, “The imperial panels at San Vitale: a reconsideration”, Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 14 (1990). P. 19–42.

Глава 7

Римский закон

Эпиграф к главе: Thomas Magistros, On the Duty of a King, tr. Ernest Barker, in Social and Political Thought in Byzantium from Justinian I to the Last Palaeologus (Oxford, 1957). P. 166.

John F. Matthews, Laying down the Law: A Study of the Theodosian Code (New Haven/London, 2000).

Nikolas Oikonomides, “The Peira of Eustathios Romaios”, Fontes monores 7 (1986). P. 169–192.

Angeliki Laiou, “On Just War in Byzantium”, in To Hellenikon: Studies in Honor of Spyros Vryonis Jr. Vol. 1 (New Rochelle, 1993). P. 153–172.

Ruth Macrides, “The law outside the lawbooks: law and literature”, Fontes monores 11 (2205). P. 133–145.

Часть II

Переход от античности к средневековью

Глава 8

Оплот против ислама

Эпиграф к главе: Chronicle of Dionysios of Tel – Mahre, tr. Andrew Palmer, The Seventh Century in the Weat – Syrian Chronicles (Liverpool, 1993). P. 212.

Judith Herrin, The Formation of Christendom (Oxford and Princeton, 1987).

Henry Pirenne, Mohammad and Charlemagne (London, 1939).

Patricia Crone and Michael Cook, Hagarism: The Making of the Islamic World (Cambridge, 1977).

Richard Fletcher, The Cross and the Crescent: Christianity and Islam from Muhammad to the Reformation (London, 2003).

Vasso Pennas, “The Island of Orovi in the Argolid: Bishopric and Administrative Centre”, Studies in Byzantine Sigillography 4, Nikolas Oikonomides, ed. (1995). P. 163–172.