Врата Европы. История Украины (Плохий) - страница 264

, 2nd ed. Lanham, MD, 2013.

Paul Kubicek. The History of Ukraine. Westport, CT, 2008.

Paul Robert Magocsi. A History of Ukraine, 2nd ed. Toronto, 2010; idem, Ukraine: An Illustrated History. Toronto, 2007.

Anna Reid. Borderland: A Journey Through the History of Ukraine. London, 1997.

Orest Subtelny. Ukraine: A History, 4th ed. Toronto, 2009.

Roman Szporluk. Ukraine: A Brief History, 2nd ed. Detroit, MI, 1982.

Andrew Wilson. The Ukrainians: Unexpected Nation, 3rd ed. New Haven, CT, 2009.

Serhy Yekelchyk. Ukraine: Birth of a Modern Nation. New York, 2007.

Раздел I. Понтийский фронтир

Paul M. Barford. The Early Slavs: Culture and Society in Early Medieval Eastern Europe. Ithaca, NY, 2001.

David Braund, ed. Scythians and Greeks: Cultural Interactions in Scythia, Athens and the Early Roman Empire. Exeter, UK, 2005.

Martin Dimnik. Mikhail, Prince of Chernigov and Grand Prince of Kiev, 1224–1246. Toronto, 1981; idem, The Dynasty of Chernigov, 1146–1246. Cambridge, 2003.

Simon Franklin and Jonathan Shepard. The Emergence of Rus’, 750–1200. London, 1996.

Edward L. Keenan. Josef Dobrovský and the Origins of the Igor’ Tale. Cambridge, MA, 2003.

Jukka Korpela. Prince, Saint and Apostle: Prince Vladimir Svjatoslavic of Kiev. Wiesbaden, 2001.

Omeljan Pritsak. The Origin of Rus’. Vol. 1. Cambridge, MA, 1981.

Christian Raffensperger. Reimagining Europe: Kievan Rus’ in the Medieval World. Cambridge, MA, 2012.

Renate Rolle. The World of the Scythians. London, 1989.

Раздел II. Восток и Запад: встреча на Днепре

Ludmilla Charipova. Latin Books and the Eastern Orthodox Clerical Elite in Kiev, 1632–1780. Manchester, UK, 2006.

Brian L. Davies. Warfare, State and Society on the Black Sea Steppe, 1500–1700. London and New York, 2007.

Linda Gordon. Cossack Rebellions: Social Turmoil in the Sixteenth-Century Ukraine. Albany, NY, 1983.

Borys A. Gudziak. Crisis and Reform: The Kyivan Metropolitanate, the Patriarch of Constantinople, and the Genesis of the Union of Brest. Cambridge, MA, 1998.

David A. Frick. Meletij Smotryc’kyj. Cambridge, MA, 1995.

Iaroslav Isaievych. Voluntary Brotherhood: Confraternities of Laymen in Early Modern Ukraine. Edmonton and Toronto, 2006.

The Kiev Mohyla Academy. Special issue of Harvard Ukrainian Studies, 8, no. 1–2 (June 1984).

Paulina Lewin. Ukrainian Drama and Theater in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. Edmonton, 2008.

Jaroslaw Pelenski. The Contest for the Legacy of Kievan Rus’. Boulder, CO, and New York, 1998.

Serhii Plokhy. The Cossacks and Religion in Early Modern Ukraine