Покорение человеком Тихого океана (Беллвуд) - страница 411

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1141. Rigg T., Bruce J. A. The Maori gravel soil of Waimea West, Nelson, New Zealand, JPS. 1923, 32.

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1145. Roberton J. B. W. Genealogies as a basis for Maori chronology, JPS. 1956, 65.

1146. Roberton J. B. W. The role of tribal tradition in New Zealand prehistory, JPS. 1957, 66.

1147. Roberton J. B. W. The significance of New Zealand tribal tradition, JPS. 1958, 67.

1148. Roberton J. B. W. Correspondence, JPS. 1959, 68.

1149. Roberton J. B. W. The evaluation of Maori tribal tradition as history, JPS. 1962, 71.

1150. Roberton J. B. W. The early tradition of the Whakatane district, JPS. 1966, 75.

1151. Roberton J. B. W. A culture nomenclature based on tradition, JPS. 1969, 78.

1152. Robinson J. T. The origin and adaptive radiation of the Australopithe-cines, in: [831].

1153. Roder J. Rock pictures and prehistoric times in Dutch New Guinea, Man. 1939, 39.

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1155. Rogers, G. Archaeological discoveries on Niuatoputapu Island, Tonga, JPS. 1974, 83.

1156. Rosendahl P. and D. E. Yen. Fossil sweet potato remains from Hawaii, JPS. 1971, 80.

1157. Rosenstiel A. Historical perspective and the study of Melanesian culture, Oceania. 1953-4, 24.

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1160. Routledge C. S. Survey of the village and carved rocks of Orongo, Easter Island, by the Mana Expedition, JAI. 1920, 50.

1161. Sahlins M. D. Esoteric efflorescence on Easter Island, AA. 1955, 57.

1162. Sahlins M. D. Social stratification in Polynesia. Seattle, 1958.