Покорение человеком Тихого океана (Беллвуд) - страница 416

Artefacts from excavated sites in the Hawaiian, Marquesas and Society Islands: a comparative study, in: [716].

1265. Sinoto Y. H. Position of the Marquesas Islands in east Polynesian prehistory, in: [1483].

1266. Sinoto Y. H. Sources of New Zealand’s Eastern Polynesian Culture: evidence of the cloak-pin, APAO. 1968, 3.

1267. Sinoto Y. H. A pendant found in Huahine, Society Islands, NZAAN. 1969, 12.

1268. Sinoto Y. H. An archaeological based assessment of the Marquesas Islands as a dispersal centre in East Polynesia, in: [603].

1269. Sinoto Y. H. Polynesia. 1970-2, Far Eastern Prehistory Association Newsletter. 1973, 2.

1270. Sinoto Y. H., McCoy P. C. Report on the preliminary excavation of an early habitation site on Huahine, Society Islands, JSO. 1975, 31.

1271. Skinner H. D. Evolution in Maori art, JRAI. 1916, 46.

1272. Skinner H. D. Culture areas in New Zealand, JPS. 1921, 30.

1273. Skinner H. D. The Morioris of the Chatham Islands, BPBMM. 1923, 9, no. 1.

1274. Skinner H. D. Origin and relationships of Maori material culture and decorative art, JPS. 1924, 33.

1275. Skinner H. D. The Maori lei tiki. 2nd edition. Dunedin, 1966.

1276. Skinner H. D. Cylindrical headdresses in the Pacific region, in: [716].

1277. Skinner H. D. The north Pacific origin of some elements of Polynesian material culture, APAS. 1968, 2

1278. Skinner H. D. Comparatively Speaking. Dunedin, 1974.

1279. Skinner II. D., Baucke W. C. The Morioris, BPBMM. 1928, 9. no. 5.

1280. Skjolsvold A. The stone statues and quarries of Rano Raraku, in: [709].

1281. Skjolsvold A. The ceremonial enclosure of Te Rae Rae with brief notes on additional marae, in: [710].

1282. Skjolsvold A. Excavations of a habitation cave, Hanapetc’o, Hiva Oa. Marquesas Islands, PAR. 1972, 16.

1283. Sleen H. G. W. van der. Ancient glass beads with special reference to the beads of east and central Africa and the Indian Ocean, JRAI. 1958, 88.

1284. Smart C. D. An outline of Kabara prehistory, NZAAN, 1965, 8.

1285. Smart C. D., Green R. C., Yaldwin J. C. A stratified dune site at Tairua, Coromandel, Dominion Museum Records in Ethnology. Wellington, 1962,1.

1286. Smith C. S. An outline of Easter Island archaeology, AP. 1962, 6.

1287. Smith S. P. Hawaiki: the whence of the Maori. Printed in JPS 1898-9 volume 7–8. 3rd edition published by Whitcombe and Tombs. Wellington, 1910.

1288. Smith S. P. Lore of the Wliare Wananga. Part II: Te Kauwaeraro. Polynesian Society Memoir. 1915, 4.

1289. Smith S. P. The Polynesians in Indonesia, JPS. 1921, 30.

1290. Snell C. A. R. D.