11 врагов руководителя (Дотлих, Кейро) - страница 97

Sonnenfeld, J. The Hero’s Farewell: What Happens When CEOs Retire. New York Oxford University Press, 1988.

Thompson, M. C. The Congruent Life: Following the Inward Path to Fulfilling Work and Inspired Leadership. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2000.

Wackerle, F. Straight Talk About Making Tough CEO Selection Decisions. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2001.

Ward, A., Bishop, K., and Sonnenfeld, J. “Pyrrhic Victories: The Cost to the Board of Ousting the CEO.” Journal of Organizational Behavior, 1999, 20, 767–781.

Weisinger, H. Emotional Intelligence at Work. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2000.

Wiggins, J. S. (ed.). The Five-Factor Model of Personality. New York: Guilford Press, 1996.

Публицистические статьи

Auletta, K. “Hollywood vs. Harvey.” New Yorker, Dec. 2002, pp. 64–81.

Associated Press. “Harassment Claim Gets CEO Fired.” Greensboro News and Record, June 27, 1996.

Associated Press and Bloomberg News. “HPL Technologies Stock Sinks 71% as CEO Fired.” Los Angeles Times, July 20, 2002.

Baum, G., Patterson, L., and Schibsted, E. “Why They Fail.” Forbes, Oct. 7, 1996.

Bianco, A., and Moore, P. “Downfall: The Inside Story of the Management Fiasco at Xerox.” Business Week, Mar. 5, 2001, p. 82.

Bianco, A., and Lavelle, L. “The CEO Trap: Looking for Superheroes to Deliver Sky-High Growth Ensures Disappointment.” Business Week, Dec. 11, 2000.

Bruno, M. P. “Optical Cable Chief Executive Fired.” Washington Post, Dec. 4, 2001.

Byrne, J. A., and Grover, D. “Mattel’s Lack of Action Figures.” Business Week, Feb. 21, 2000.

“Can Miller Put the Oomph Back in AOL?” Business Week, Aug. 26, 2002.

Colvin, G. “The Anti-Control Freak: In Ricardo Semler’s Company, Workers Pick Their Own Hours and the CEO Has a Temp Job.” Fortune, Nov. 26, 2001.

Cope, N. “Head of Kingfisher, Geoff Mulcahy… Needs to Produce One More Dazzling Trick.” Independent, London, July 11, 2001.

Crockett, R. “Motorola: Can Chris Galvin Save His Family’s Legacy?” Business Week, July 16, 2001.

Downey Grimsley, K. “Romances with the Boss Raise Red Flags.” Washington Post, Jan. 29, 1998.

Elkind, P. “Garbage In Garbage Out.” Fortune, May 25, 1998.

Ellis, J. “Life After Enron’s Death.” Fast Company, Mar. 2002, pp. 118–120.

Elston, C., and Gabrick, J. J. “S. O. S for High-Tech Mergers and Acquisitions: How to Avoid ‘Titanic’ Mistakes in Turbulent Waters.” Canonsburg, Pa.: MindMatters Technologies, n.d.

Fairlamb, D. “Fallen Star.” Business Week, Mar. 4, 2002, p. 70.

Fairlamb, D. “Trouble in Paradise.” Business Week, July 29, 2002, p. 56.

Gaines-Ross, L. “CEOs Stranded in Wonderland: A CEO’s Number One Asset Is Credibility, but He or She Doesn’t Have Much Time to Build It.” Journal of Business Strategy, Mar. 1, 2002.