Предатели или жертвы войны: коллаборационизм в Карелии в годы Второй мировой войны 1939-1945 гг. (Веригин) - страница 138

. There is also data about Petrozavodsk. In the end of June 1944 when Finnish troops left the town only 487 people from 7589 of free civilians came with them[506].

The data shows the number of people moved to Finland was negligiЫe. NotaЬly, 3,35 % of collaborationists includes both people actively cooperated with occupation regime as well as people sympathized to the enemy. The data is significantly lower than those quoted Ьу V. 1. Boyarsky in the book "Partisans and army: the history of lost opportunities" ("Partizany i armiya: istoriya uteryannyh vozmozhnostei") and those the author noted in the introduction: "After several years of occupation 10 % of population can become traitors (3 % — active and 7 % — sympathized to the enemy)"[507]. Thus, we can confidently assert that the scale of collaborationism on the occupied territory of Karelia was significantly lower than in other country's regions that caught in the occupation zone.

lt is primarily explained Ьу the fact that there was no social base for а wide development of collaborationism in the occupied Karelian regions. The background of the base during the Great Patriotic War consists of people offended Ьу the Soviet authority (dispossessed kulaks, people suffered from religion persecutions, people repressed in the period of mass repressions in the second half of 1930s for political and national reasons etc.). Such people appeared to Ье very few in the occupied zone.

Generally evacuation of the population during the first period of the Great Patriotic War in Karelia, that at once became the frontline repuЬlic, succeeded in а very short time. All in all, according to the incomplete data, more than 530 thousands from 700 thousands of people who lived in the repuЬlic before the war were evacuated from the occupied repuЬlic regions. Working people of Karelia moved to the Vologda region, the Arkhangelsk region, the Кirov region, the Sverdlovsk region, the Gorkov region, the Novosiblrsk region, the Chelyablnsk region and others as well as to Komi, Bashkir, Chuvash, Udmurt and Tatar repuЬlics. Part of the population was evacuated to the eastern shore of the Onega Lake — the Pudozh region.

In the process of evacuation People's Commissariat for State Security of the Karelian-Finnish SSR first evacuated prisoners from Vyborg and Petrozavodsk jails as well as prisoners from cages that were part of the White-Sea-Baltic Plant (Belomorsko-Baltic Plant). In the end of 1930s the number of prisoners and special settlers worked for the White-Sea-Baltic Plant accounted for а quarter of all Karelian population