Свидетель защиты: Шокирующие доказательства уязвимости наших воспоминаний (Лофтус, Кетчем) - страница 241

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BorchardE. M. Convicting the Innocent. N.Y.: Garden City Pub. Co., 1932.

Buckhout R. Eyewitness Testimony // Scientific American. 1974. 231. P. 23-31.

Ceci S. J. The Suggestibility of Preschoolers’ Recollections // Unpublished manuscript, Cornell University.

Ceci S. J., TogliaM. P. and RossM. (eds.). Children’s Eyewitness Testimony. N. Y.: Springer, 1987. P. 79-91.

Clarke-Stewart A., Thompson W. and Lepore S. Manipulating Children’s Interpretations Through Interrogation // Paper presented at the Society for Research in Child Development, Kansas City, MO, April 1989.

Cutler B. L. and Penrod S. D. Improving the Reliability of Eyewitness Identification: Lineup Construction and Presentation // Journal of Applied Psychology. 1988. 73. P. 281-290.

Dale P. S., Loftus E. F. and Rathbun L. The Influence of the Form of the Question on the Eyewitness Testimony of Preschool Children // Journal of Psycholinguistic Research. 1978. Vol. 7. № 4. P. 269-277.

Donat A. (ed.) The Death Camp Treblinka. N. Y.: Holocaust Library, 1979.

Frank J. Not Guilty. N. Y.: Doubleday, 1957.

Freedman J. L. and Loftus E. F. Retrieval of Words from Long-Term Memory // Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior. 1971. 10. P. 107-115.

Goodman G. S. Children’s Testimony in Historical Perspective // Journal of Social Issues. 1984. Vol. 40. № 2. P. 9-31.

Greene E. and Loftus E. F. What’s New in the News? The Influence of Well-Publicized News Events on Psychological Research and Courtroom Trials // Basic and Applied Social Psychology. 1984. 5. P. 211-221.

Hopkins E. H. Fathers on Trial // New York. 1988. January 11. P. 42-49.

Israel M. The Hard Fall // New Jersey Monthly. 1981. October.

Lloyd-Bostock S. and Clifford B. Evaluating Witness Evidence. Chichester, England: Wiley, 1983.

Loftus E. F. Experimental Psychologist as Advocate or Impartial Educator // Law and Human Behavior. 1986. Vol. 10. P. 63-78.

Loftus E. F. Eyewitness Testimony. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1979.

Loftus E. F. Incredible Eyewitness // Psychology Today. 1974. December. P. 117-119.

Loftus E. F. Memory. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1980.

Loftus E. F. Ten Years in the Life of an Expert Witness // Law and Human Behavior. 1986. Vol. 10. № 3. P. 241-263.

Loftus E. F. and Davies G. M. Distortions in the Memory of Children // Journal of Social Issues. 1984. Vol. 40. № 2. P. 51-67.

Loftus E. F. and Doyle J. M. Eyewitness Testimony: Civil and Criminal. Charlottesville, VA: The Michie Co., 1987.

Loftus E. F. and Freedman J. L.