Евангелие от Марка. Комментарий (Кузнецова) - страница 197

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Bultmann, R., Theology of the New Testament, 2 vols., E.tr., London, 1982-1993.

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Cullmann, O., The Christology of the New Testament, E.tr., London, 1986.

Dodd, C.H., The Parables of the Kingdom, London, 1935.

Dunn, J.D.G., Christology in the Making, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1996.

France, R.T., Divine Government: God's Kingship in the Gospel of Mark, London, 1990.

Goppelt L., Theology of the New Testament, v.1, E.tr., Grand Rapids, 1983.

Guelich R.A., Mark 1 -8.26. Word Biblical Commentary. Word Books, Dallas, 1989. 

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Jeremias, J., The Prayers of Jesus, E.tr., London, 1967.

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Ladd, G.E., A Theology of the New Testament, Grand Rapids, 1974.

Lightfoot, R.H., The Gospel Message of St Mark, Oxford, 1950.

Lindars, B., Jesus Son of Man, London, 1983.

Lohfink, G., Jesus and Community, E.tr., Philadelphia, 1989.

Manson, T.W., The Teaching of Jesus, Cambridge, 1935.

Metzger, Bruce M., A Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament, Stuttgart, 1994.

Meyer, B., The Aims of Jesus, London, 1979.

Moule, C.F.D., An Idiom Book of the New Testament Greek, Cambridge, 1979.

Moulton, J.H., Howard W.F., and Turner N., A Grammar of the New Testament Greek, 4 vols., Edinburgh, 1929 - 1976.

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Nineham, D.E., Saint Mark, Pelican New Testament Commentaries, Har­mondsworth, 1979.

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Perrin, N., Rediscovering the Teaching of Jesus, London, 1963.

Richardson, A., A Dictionary of Christian Theology, London, 1979.

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Schrage, W., The Ethics of the New Testament, Edinburgh, 1988.

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