От Ада до Рая. Книга о Данте и его комедии (Лагеркранц) - страница 133

Franz Xaver Kraus. Dante, sein Leben und sein Werk, sein Verhaltnis zur Kunst und zur Politik. Berlin 1897

Nancy Lenkeith. Dante and the Legend of Rome, London 1952

Kurt Leonhard. Der gegenwartige Dante. 1950

Edvard Lidforss. Dante. Stockholm 1907

Joseph Antony Mazzeo. Structure and Thought in the Paradiso, Cornell University Press 1958

Joseph A. Mazzeo. Medieval Cultural Tradition in Dante’s Comedy, Cornell University Press 1960

Edward Moore. Studies in Dante. First Series. Oxford 1896

Mystik og Mystikere. En antologi ved Aage Marcus. Forord av Vilh. Gronbech. 1964

Arnold Norlind. Dante, 1925 Arnold Norlind. Skapande liv. Bonniers, 1929

Anders Nygren. Den kristna karlekstanken genom tiderna. Eros och Agape, II. 1966

Leonardo Olschki. The Myth of Felt. Berkeley and Los Angeles 1949

Giovanni Papini. Dante Vivo. Translated by Eleanor Hammond Broadus and Anna Benedetti. London 1934

Ezra Pound. The Spirit of Romance. Peter Owen, London 1960

Viktor Rydberg. Medeltidens magi. 1864

Dorothy Sayers. Introductory Papers on Dante, London 1958

Bernard Stambler. Dante’s Other World. London 1958

E.N. Tigerstedt. Dante: Tiden – Mannen – Verket. 1967

Paget Toynbee. A Dictionary of Proper Names and Notable Matters in the Works of Dante. The Clarendon Press 1898

Paget Toynbee. Dante Alighieri, his Life and Works. New York 1910

Wolfgang Schone. Uber das Licht in der Malerei. Berlin 1954

Charles S. Singleton. An Essay on the Vita Nuova. 1949

Charles S. Singleton. Dante Studies I. Commedia Elements of Structure. 1954

W.B. Stanford. The Ulysses Theme. A Study in the Adaptability of a Traditional Nero. 2>nd ed. Basil Blackwell, Oxford 1963

Geo Widengren. Kungar, profeter och harlekiner, 1961

Philip H. Wicksteed. Early Lives of Dante and of his Poetical Correspondence with Giovanni del Virgilio. 1898

Charles Williams. The Figure of Beatrice. London 1943

Karl Vossler. Medieval Culture, an Introduction to Dante and his Times, I and II. New York 1958

W.B. Yeats. Ideas of Good and Evil. London 1903

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