В поисках совершенства в мире искусства. Творческий путь отца Софрония (Гавриила Брилиот) - страница 95

В 2-х кн. Москва: Ладья, 1995.


Metzger, Rainer. Berlin in the Twenties, Art and Culture 1918–1933. London: Thames & Hudson, 2007.

Pasternak, L. The memoirs of Leonid Pasternak. London: Quartet Books, 1982.

Zimmer, Dieter. E. Nabokovs Berlin. Berlin: Nicolaische Verlagsbuchhandlung, 2001.

Русский Париж

Gousseff, Catherine. L’Exil Russe, La Fabrique du Réfugié Apatride (1920–1939). Paris: CNRS, 2008.

Whitney Kean, Beverly. French Painters, Russian Collectors. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1983.

Zernov, Nicolas. Sunset Years, a Russian Pilgrim in the West. London: The Fellowship of St Alban & St Sergius, 1983.

Художники в Париже

Cowling, Elizabeth. Picasso, Style and Meaning. London: Phaidon, 2002.

Fraquelli, Simonetta. Paris, Capital of the Arts 1900–1968. London: Royal Academy of Art, 2002.

Loguine, Tatiana. Gontcharova et Larionov — cinquante ans à Saint-Germais-des-Près. Paris: Klincksieck, 1971.

Nacenta, Raymond. School of Paris. The Painters and the artistic climate of Paris since 1910. London: Olbourne Press, 1960.

Schurr, Gerald. 1820–1920 Les Peintres Maîtres de la peinture Valeur de Demain. Paris: Les Editions de l’Amateur, 1975.

Turner, Jane (ed). The Grove Dictionary of Art, From Monet to Cézanne. Late 19th Century French Artists. London: MacMillan Reference Ltd., 2000.

Whitney Kean, Beverly. French Painters, Russian Collectors. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1983.

Иконописцы в Париже

Barsanuphe, Hegoumen. Le Père Grégoire, Moine iconographe du Skit du St Esprit 1908–1969. Doumérac, 16380 Grassac: Monastère de Korssoun, 1999.

Doolan, Patrick. Recovering the Icon: The life and work of Leonid Ouspensky. Crestwood: Saint Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2008.

Yazykova, I. K. Hidden and Triumphant: The Underground Struggle to Save Russian Iconography. Brewster, MA: Paraclete Press, 2010.

Парижские салоны

Barrer, Pierre F. Quand l’art du XXe siècle était conçu par des inconnus-: l’Histoire du Salon d’Automne de 1903 à nos jours. Paris: Les Editions Arts et Images du Monde, 1992.

King, Ross. The Judgement of Paris. London: Pimlico, 2007.

Nacenta, Raymond. School of Paris. The Painters and the artistic climate of Paris since 1910. London: Olbourne Press, 1960.

Sanchez, Pierre. Dictionnaire du Salon des Tuileries. Dijon: L’Echelle de Jacob, MMVII.

Technical art books

Doerner, Max. The Materials of the Artist. London: Hart-Davis, MacGibbon, 1976.

Gombrich, E. H. Art & Illusion, A Study in the Psychology of Pictorial Representation. London: Phaidon, 2002.

Wehlte, Kurt. The Materials and Techniques of Painting