Деловые приемы и встречи на английском: визиты, сотрудничество и профессиональные контакты (Мердек-Стерн) - страница 63

Упражнение 6 c. 68

I think you should: b), c), g), i), n), o)

I don’t think you should: a), d), e), f), h), j) k),


Глава 9

Упражнение 2 с. 76

l. Ь) - 2. Ь) - 3. а) - 4. а) - 5. Ь) - 6. а)-7. a) (a journey = путешествие) — 8. Ь) — 9. Ь) (or “see you”) - Ю. а) (не слишком вежливо - вы сердитесь!) — II. Ь) — 12. а)

Упражнение 3 с. 77

Dear Bob,

Thanks very much for coming to the International Plastics Conference last week. Your talk was fascinating and everyone gave you a very good write-up. If you want a copy of the video tape and the script, just let me know. Many thanks again. I hope to see you again soon.

Best regards

Глава 10

Упражнение 7 с» 70 Упражнение Л с. 80

a) нет

b) да

c) нет (sorry)

d) да (Yes, that’s kind of you / thank you),

e) нет (Merry Christmas and Happy New Year)

f) нет (It’s bad luck!)

g) Да

h) нет (unusual but it is however much appreciated! W'ith the young, it is more usual to take a bottle of wine - in England, it’s very expensive - hence the “Bring a Bottle party”.)

i) нет

j) нет

k) нет (in some European countries, though)

l) да

m) да

n) нет (a “side plate” is provided for the bread)

o) нет

P) да

single / married / widow / widower / divorced / bachelor / partner / retired / self-employed / freelance / full-time / part-time / temporary / seasonal / contract / colleague / workmate / co-worker / technician / executive / craftsman / operative / clerk / civil servant / housewife / unemployed / between jobs

Упражнение 2 c. 80

Do - keep fit, karate, aerobics, a sport, a hobby (новые виды спорта, часто восточные).

Play - golf, tennis, billiards, rugby, squash (там, где есть мяч)

Go - skiing, jogging, sailing, bowling, riding (названия видов спорта, образованные от глаголов)

Внимание: некоторые исключения: Play cards & parlour games, etc, do weightlifting, boxing...

1. к) - 2. f) - 3. q) - 4. v) - 5. а) - 6.1) - 7. i) - 8. р) - 9. d) -10. t) - И. n) -12. е) -13. о) -14. b) - 15. j) - 16. г) - 17. g) - 18. и) -19. с) - 20. ш) - 21. s) - 22. h).

Упражнение 4 с. 84

I am called Frieda Hebbel. I am single. I am 24 years old and Hive with a flatmate in a small village, half an hour from Dusseldorf. I was bom in Bonn. I am German. 1 am an engineer, I am in value analysis and I am responsible for the department. 1 work for Froding GmbH. There is a large plant and many offices. My hair is fair and I am very talk I like swimming and playing tennis.

Несколько дополнительных объяснений:

I am called / my name is — Вспомните, что англоговорящие называют сначала свои имена.