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Documents on British Foreign Policy 2nd Series, Vol. -XVII (London, 1979)

Documents on German Foreign Policy Series C, vol. IV (London, 1964); Series D, Vol. Ill (London, 1951); Vol. VI (London, 1956); Vol. VII (London, 1956); Vol. VIH (London, 1954); Vol.

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Foreign Relations of the United States 1938 Vol. I (Washington, 1955)

Foreign Relations of the United States 1939 Vol. II (Washington, 1956)

Foreign Relations of the United States 1940, Vol. II (Washington, 1957)

Foreign Relations of the United States 1941 Vol. II (Washington, 1959)

Foreign Relations of the United States 1942 Vol. Ill (Washington, 1961)

Foreign Relations of the United States 1943 Vol. II (Washington, 1964)

Foreign Relations of the United States 1944 Vol. IV (Washington, 1966)

Foreign Relations of the United States 1945 Vol. V (Washington, 1967)

Foreign Relations of the United States 1946 Vol. V (Washington, 1969)

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