Новая власть. Какие силы управляют миром – и как заставить их работать на вас (Хейманс, Тиммс) - страница 253

513. Molly Moorehead, “A Summary of the Manchin-Toomey Gun Proposal,” PolitiFact, April 30, 2013.

514. Robert Draper, “Inside the Power of the N. R. A.,” New York Times, December 12, 2013.

515. Douglas E. Schoen, “The Myth of НСА Power: What the НСА Really Means in American Politics Today,” Medium, January 6, 2016.

516. Там же.

517. Manu Raju, “Heitkamp Defends Gun Vote,” Politico, April 24, 2013.

518. Tim Dickinson, “Gun Control: 45 Percent of the Senate Foils 90 Percent of America,” Rolling Stone, April 17, 2013.

519. Emily Rupertus, “Marksmanship Programs Your Child Will Love,” НСА Blog, August 16, 2016. www.nrablog.com.

520. Дженнифер Карлсон в беседе с авторами, 15 августа 2016 года.

521. Марк Глейз в беседе с авторами.

522. Zack Beauchamp, “This Chilling НСА Ad Calls on Its Members to Save America by Fighting Liberals,” Vox, June 29, 2017.

523. Everytown for Gun Safety, July 2017. www.everytown.org.

524. Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, July 2017. www.momsdemandaction.org.

525. Everytown, “Everytown Claims Major Victory in Washington State with Passage of I-594, Proving That When Citizens Take Public Safety to the Ballot Box, Gun Safety Wins,” November 4, 2014. www.everytown.org.

526. «Everytown», в письме авторам, 10 июля 2017 года.

527. TED Staff, “TED Reaches Its Billionth Video View!,” TED Blog, November 13, 2012. www.blog.ted.com.

528. TED, “History of TED,” July 2017. www.ted.com.

529. TED, “TED2018,” July 2017. www.ted2018.ted.com.

530. Mick Brown, “ ‘I Was Losing $1 Million a Day, Every Day for 18 Months’: Meet Chris Anderson, the Man Behind TED Talks,” The Telegraph, April 26, 2016.

531. TED, “History of TED.”

532. Chris Anderson, “TED Isn’t a Recipe for ‘Civilisational Disaster,’” The Guardian, January 8, 2014.

533. TED, “Organize a Local TEDx Event,” July 2017. www.ted.com.

534. Лара Штейн в беседе с авторами, 9 сентября 2016 года.

535. TED, “TEDx Rules,” July 2017. www.ted.com.

536. Nilofer Merchant, “When TED Lost Control of Its Crowd,” Harvard Business Review, April 2013.

537. Там же. В оригинале тоже опущена часть текста.

538. Рэнди Брец в беседе с авторами, 22 июля 2016 года.

539. TED, “Stories for ‘Open Translation Project,’” www.ted.com.

540. TED, “TED Translators,” July 2017. www.ted.com.

541. Jenny Zurawell, “Meet Sebastian Betti, TED Volunteer Translator,” TED Blog, www.blog.ted.com.

542. ”2016 Engineering Career Fair Collaborative — Participants: Local Motors,” Harvard University, November 16, 2016. www.harvard-csm.simplicity.com.

543. Kristine Owram, “How Local Motors Hopes to Disrupt the Auto Industry with a $53,000 3D-Printed Car,” Financial Post, January 19, 2016.