От римской империи до начала второго тысячелетия (Браун, Вен) - страница 401

Kazhdan A., Constable G. People and Power in Byzantium. An Introduction to Modem Byzantine Studies. Washington, D. C.: Dumbarton Oaks Center, 1982.

Kirsten E. Die byzantinische Stadt // Berichte zum XI. internationalen Byzantinisten—Kongress. Munchen, 1958. V 3.

Magdalino P. Constantinople medievale. Etudes sur revolution des structures urbaines. Paris: De Boccard, 1996.

ercati e mercanti nell’alto Medioevo: larea euroasiatica e l'аrгеа mediterranea, Centro italiano di studi sull’alto Medioevo, Settimane di studio, 40, 1992 (Patlagean E. Byzance et les marches du grand commerce, vers 830 — vers 1030: entre Pirenne et Polanyi. Pp. 587–629; Oikonomides N. Le marchand byzantin des provinces [IXe-XIe siecle]. Pp. 633–660).

The Byzantine Aristocracy. IXth-XIIIth centuries / M. Angold (ed.). Oxford: BAR International series. 221, 1984.

Cambridge Medieval History. T. IV: The Byzantine Empire / J. — M. Hussey (ed.). 2e ed. Cambridge University Press, 1967- 1968. Part 1: Byzantium and its Neighbours; Part 2: Government, Church and Civilization.

Тексты, изображения, предметы, памятники

L'Art byzantin, art europeen. Athenes, 1964.

The Glory of Byzantium. Art and Culture of the Middle Byzantine era, 843–1261 A. D. / H. C. Evans, W. D. Wixom (eds). U. Y.: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1997.

Beck H. G. Kirche und theologische Literatur im byzantinischen Reich. Miinchen: Beck, 1959.

Beck H. G. Geschichte der byzantinischen Volksliteratur. Miinchen: Beck, 1971.

Byzantine Books and Bookmen. Washington, D. C.: Dumbarton Oaks Center, 1975.

Grabar A. La Peinture byzantine. Geneve: Skira, 1953. Grabar A. LTconoclasme byzantin. 2e ed. Paris: Flammarion, 1984.

Hunger H. Die hochsprachliche profane Literatur der Byzan- tiner: 2 vol. Miinchen: Beck, 1978.

Mango C. The Art of the Byzantine Empire. Sources and Documents. Englewood Cliffs N. J., 1972.

Исследования, посвященные X–XI векам

Centre de recherche d’histoire et civilisation byzantine. Travaux et Memoires. Paris: Ed. de Boccard, 1976. T. VI (Recherches sur le Xle siecle).

Harvey A. Economic expansion in the Byzantine Empire, 900–1200. Cambridge, 1989.

Hendy M. F. Byzantium, 1081–1204: an economic reappraisal // Transactions of the Royal Historical Society. 1970. Pp. 31–52.

Lemerle P. Cinq Etudes sur le Xle siecle byzantin. Paris: CNRS, 1977. cf. Kazhdan A. Remarques sur le Xle siecle byzantin. A propos dun livre recent de Paul Lemerle // Byzantion, 1979. T* XLIX. Pp. 491–503.

Patlagean Е. Structure sociale, Famille, Chretiente a Byzance IVe-XIe siecle. Londres: Variorum reprints, 1981.