Коды комического в сказках Стругацких 'Понедельник начинается в субботу' и 'Сказка о Тройке' (Козловски) - страница 38


Lem S. About the Strugatskys' "Roadside Picnic" // Microworlds. - New York: A Harvest/HBJ Book, 1984. Lindsey B. On the Strugatskij Brothers' Contemporary Fairytale: "Monday Begins on Saturday" // The Supernatural in Slavic and Baltic Literature: Essays in Honor of Victor Terras / Ed. by A.Mandelker, R.Reeder. Columbus: Slavica Publishers, Inc., 1989. Loseff L. On the Beneficence of Censorship. - Munchen: Vertalg Otto Sagnet. Luthi M. Once Upon a Time. - New York: Frederick Unger Publishing Co.,


Manlove C.N. Comic Fantasy // Extrapolation. - 1987. - Vol.28. - # 1. Markiewicz H. On the Definition of Literary Parody // To Honour Roman Jakobson: II. - The Hague: Mouton, 1967. Marx K. Grundrisse: Foundations of the Critique of Political Economy / Tr. M.Nicolaus. - Harmondsworth, 1973. Marx K., Engles F. The Communist Manifesto. - New York: Meredith Corporation, 1955. McFadden G. Discovering the Comic. - Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1092. Medvedev Zh. The Rise and fall of T.D.Lysenko. - New York: Columbia University Press, 1969. Milner G.B. Homo Ridens: Towards a Semiotic Theory of Humor and Laughter // Semiotica. - 1972. Muecke D.C. Irony. - Norfolk, England: Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1970. Nabokov V. Strong Opinions. - New York: McGraw-Hill, 1973. Nash W. The Language of Humour: Style and Technique in Comic Discourse. London, New York: Longman, 1985. Philmus R. Into the Unknown: The Evolution of Science Fiction from Francis Godwin to H.G.Wells. - Berkley Angeles: University of California Press,


Popovsky M. Manipulated Science. - New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc.,


Rabelais. Gargantua and Pantagruel / Tr. J. Le Clercq. - New York: Random House, 1944. Rabkin E. The Fantastic in Literature. - Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1976. Rose M.A. Parody // Meta-Fiction: An Analysis of Parody as a Critical Mirror to the Writing and Perception of Fiction. - London: Croom Helm,


Shaw B. The rationalization of Russia. - Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1964. Shukman A. Literature and Semiotics: A Study of the Writings of Yu. M. Lotman. - Amsterdam, New York: North-Holland Publishing Company, 1977. Siniavsky A. Soviet Civilization: A Cultural History. - New York: Arcade Publishing, 1990. Slonimsky A. The Technique of the Comic in Gogol // Gogol from the Twentieth Century. - Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1974. Slusser G., Rabkin E.S., Scholes R. Bridges to Fantasy. - Carbondale, Edwardsville: Southern Illinois University Press, 1982. Steinberg E.R. K. of "The Castle": Ostensible Land-Surveyor // Twentieth Century Interpretations of "The Castle". - Englewood Cliff, New Jersey: Prentic-Hall, 1969. Stephan H. The Changing Protagonist in Soviet Science Fiction // Fiction and Drama in Eastern and Southeastern Europe / Ed. H.Birnbaum, T.Eekman. Slavica Publishers Inc., 1980. Stewart S. Nonsense: Aspects of Intertextuality in Folklore and Literature. - Baltimore: The John Hopkins University Press, 1979. Suvin D. The Literary Opus of the Strugatskii Brothers // Canadian-American Slavic Studies. - VIII, 3 (Fall 1974). Swift J. Gulliver's Travels. - New York: Schoken Books, 1984. The Science in Science Fiction / Ed. P.Nicholls. - New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1983. The Stalin Dictatorship: Khrushchev's "Secret Session" Speech and Other Documents / Ed. by T.H.Rigby. - Sydney, 1968. Thomson Ph. The Grotesque. - London: Methuen & Co Ltd., 1972. Thorndike L. The History of Magic and Experimental Science. - New York: Columbia University Press, 1923-58. Todorov Tz. The Fantastic: A Structural Approach to a Literary Genre. Ithaka, New York: Cornell University Press, 1975. Toranska T. "Them": Stalin's Polish Puppets. - New York: Harper & Row,