Практика рационально-эмоциональной поведенческой терапии (Эллис, Драйден) - страница 223

27. * Ellis A. (Speaker), (1971b). How to stubbornly refuse to be ashamed of anything (Cassette recording). New York; Institute for Rational Emotive Therapy.

28. *EUis A. (1972 a). Helping people get better Rather than merely feel better. Rational Living, 7(2), 2–9.

29. * Ellis A. (1972b). Psychotherapy and the value of a human being New York; Institute for Rational-Emotive Therapy.

30. * Ellis A. (1973). Humanistic psychotherapy; The rational-emotive approach. New York McGraw-Hill.

31. *Ellis A. (1974a). Technique of disputing irrational beliefs (DIBS). New York Institute for Rational Emotive Therapy.

32. * Ellis A. (1974b). The treatment of sex and love problems in women. In V. Franks & V. Burtle (Eds.), Women in therapy (pp. 284–306). New York Brunner/Mazel.

33. *EUis A. (1976a). The biological basis of human irrationality. Journal of Individual Psychology, 32» 145–168. Reprinted by the Institute for Rational-Emotive Therapy, New York

34. * Ellis A. (Speaker), (1976b). Conquering low frustration tolerance (Cassette recording). New York Institute for Rational-Emotive Therapy.

35. * Ellis A. (Speaker), (1976c). Rational-emotive psychotherapy applied to groups (Film). Washington, DO American Association of Counseling and Development

36. * Ellis A. (1976d). RET abolishes most of the human ego. Psychotherapy, 13,343–348. Reprinted by the Institute for Rational-Emotive Therapy, New York

37. *EUis A. (Speaker), (1976e). Rational-emotive therapy with individuals and groups (Videotape). Austin, TX; Audio-Visual Resource Center, University of Texas.

38. * Ellis A. (1976f). Sex and the liberated man. Secaucus, NJ: Lyle Stuart.

39. *EUis A. (1976$). Techniques of handling anger in marriage. Journal of Marriage and Family Counseling, 2,305–316.

40. * Ellis A. (1977a). Anger How to live with and without it. Secaucus, NJ; Citadel Press.

41. * Ellis A. (1977b). Fun as psychotherapy. Rational Living, 72(1), 2–6.

42. * Ellis A. (Speaker), (1977c). A garland of rational humorous songs (Cassette recording). New York Institute for Rational-Emotive Therapy.

43. * Ellis A. (1978a). Family therapy: A phenomenological and active-directive approach. Journal of Marriage and Family Counseling,4(2),43–50. Reprinted by the Institute for Rational-Emotive Therapy, New York

44. * Ellis A. (1978b). Personality characteristics of rational-emotive therapists and other kinds of therapists. Psychotherapy; Theory, Research and Practice, 15,329–332.

45. *EUis A. (1979a). Discomfort anxiety: A new cognitive behavioral construct. Part 1. Rational Living, 14(2), 3–8.