Практика рационально-эмоциональной поведенческой терапии (Эллис, Драйден) - страница 225

63. ” Ellis, A. (1985b). Expanding the ABCs of rational-emotive therapy. In M Mahoney & A. Freeman (Eds.), Cognition and psychotherapy (pp. 313–323). New York: Plenum.

64. * Ellis A. (1985c). Overcoming resistance: Rational-emotive therapy with difficult clients. New York: Springer Publishing Co.

65. * Ellis A. (1986). Anxiety about anxiety: The use of hypnosis with rational-emotive therapy. In E. T. Dowd &J. M. Healy (Eds.), Case studies in hypnotherapy (pp. 3— 11). New York Guilford.

66. * Ellis A. (1987a). A sadly neglected cognitive element in depression. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 77,121–146.

67. *EUis A. (1987b). The use of rational humorous songs in psychotherapy. In W. Б Fry, Jr. & W. A. Salameh (Eds.), Handbook of humor and psychotherapy (pp. 265–286). San Diego: Professional Resource Exchange.

68. * EUis A. (1988). How to stubbornly refuse to make yourself miserable about anything — yes, anything! Secaucus, NJ: Lyle Stuart.

69. *EOis A. (Speaker). (1989). Unconditionally accepting yourself and others (Cassette recording). New York: Institute for Rational-Emotive Therapy.

70. *EUis A. (Speaker). (1990). Albert Ellis live at the Learning Annex New York: Institute for Rational-Emotive Therapy.

71. * Ellis A. (1991a). Are all methods of counseling equally effective State Journal for Counseling and Development, 6(2), 9—13.

72. * Ellis A. (1991b). The case against religiosity (rev. ed) New York: Rational-Emotive Therapy.

73. * Ellis A. (1991c). Humanism and psychotherapy: A revolutionary approach, (rev. ed.) New York: Institute for Rational-Emotive Therapy. (Original work published 1972)

74. * EUis A. (1991d). Rational-emotive family therapy. In A. M. Home i more (Eds.), Family counseling and therapy (2nd ecL, pp. 403–434). Itasca, IL* Peacock.

75. *EUis A. (1991e) Using RET effectively: Reflections and interview Bernard (Ed.), Using rational-emotive therapy effectively (pp. 1—33) New York: Plenum.

76. *EUis A. (1992a) Brief therapy: The rational-emotive method: In man, M. E Hoyt,8c S. Fiedman (Eds.), The first session in brief36—58) New York: Guilford.

77. *Ellis A. (1992b) Foreword. In P. Hauck, Overcoming the rating game. Louisville^ KY: Westminster/John Knox.

78. *EHis A. (1992c) Group rational-emotive and cognitive-behavior. International Journal of Group Therapy,42,63–80.

79. *EUis A. (1993a) The advantages and disadvantages of self-help therapy materials. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 24,335–339.

80. *EUis A. (1993b) Fundamentals of rational-emotive therapy for the 1990s. In W. Dryden & L K. Hill (Eds.) Innovations in rational-emotive therapy (pp. 1—32) Newbury Park, CA: Sage.