Пьесы (Молчанов) - страница 12

He. I now were it is! Come with me. I will take you… no… I will proposal you. No. R-R-R-R! (roar!)

Pausa. He looks at her.

He. It didn’t helps me find the word.

She. Do it again.

He. R-R-R-R! (roar) Prowide you, may be? I will prowide you to your hotel. I invent go with you.

She. Invent?

He. Ivent.

She. Ivent?

He. Intent! I intent go with you!

She. It is not nesessary. Just show me the right direction.

He. No, I will go with you. It is dark. Wind. Scared shadow. Suspishion sounds. We are arounds criminals. And inwaiders. And zombys may be.

She. I don’t beleve in zombys. Munster is calm small town.

He. So why evere 20 minute I ear sound of the police car? I-u, I-u, I-u?

She. May be it is every time was the same police car?

He. O, it is serjant Muller is driving to the bakery! He is always driwe this way, newer mind.

She. You are fanny. Where you from?

He. I am from Russia. Vodka and balalaika is what another names of my country.

She. You are not so funny now.

He. I am trying.

She. Why? Just show me my hotel!

He. We are going to you hotel. It is nere. This town really small. Lake and curch. And complete town between Lake and curch. Your hotel is nere the church. Do you saw church?

She. Yes.

He. Do you saw cages under the churches roof?

She. Cages?

He. Cages. Sells. (crossing fingers) Hanging cages.

She. No I didnt sea it.

He. This cages for unabuptisest. They was execute at this cages.

She. You know so much about this sity.

He. God bless wikipedia! Do you know that Munster is best raining town at Germany?

She. Best raining? Whan is it mean?

He. Most raining.

She. It is not raining.

He. You just luky. They say «at Munster always raining or ring bell. If at Munster ring bell and raining, so it is Sanday.

She. Is it church you talk me about?

He. Yes. Do you see it? Three hanging cages under the roof. They hangs this poor unabaptises here. And they sitting in cage above sun and rain before they die and they became to sceletons.

She. Why they not get away this cages.

He. May be waiting for another unabaptizes.

She. It is not funny.

He. You rigth. I am sorry. Here is your Hotel.

She. This is not my hotel.

He. Really? You sad Munster hotel. This is Munster Hotel

She. This is «Muvenpik hotel».

He. O. It is. It is not my fault. It is you with your dead anabaptizes comfused me.

She. Am I? Are you kiddin? I am leaving.

He. Wait! I khow where is your hotel. I have help you. I am sorry. My behavour was really stupid. It is just my broken English. I fill my awkwardness, and I traing to be funny.

She. Please, don’t try so hard any more! Just consentrate and say me: where is my hotel?