Китайские дети - маленькие солдатики (Чу) - страница 225

Xinhua News Agency. “In 2014 the Country 9.39 Million Candidates to Participate in College Entrance Examination”. Posted on moe.gov.cn, June 4, 2014.

6. Высокая цена экзаменов

Interviews include Cong Qianzhen, Kang Jian, Li Jiacheng, Liu Jian, Li Qiong, Tiehui Weng, Wang Feng, Xu Jiandong, Yang Dongping, Yang Linqiong.

Chai Wei and Xiang Qianyun, “China’s ‘PISA’–Unveiling China’s Educational Assessment System”. Posted on China Education Daily, April 16, 2015.

Chongqing Morning News. “Chongmin Luo Delivered Speech in Southwest University: Last Year in Middle and High School Waste a Lot of Time”. Posted on Xinhuanet.com, May 5, 2012.

Du, Feijin et al. “Heavy Burden on Students Has Become the Pain of the Nation”. People’s Daily, August 2, 2013.

Dukes, Richard, and Heather Albanesi. “Seeing Red: Quality of an Essay, Color of the Grading Pen, and Student Reactions to the Grading Process”. Social Science Journal 50 (2013), 96–100.

Feng Jianjun. “Examination-Oriented Education Wears Down Student’s Personality”. Posted on China Education News Network website, April 21, 2015;

Guangming Daily. “Primary and Middle School ‘Jianfu’ Report Published”. Posted on Xinhua News online, May 31, 2013.

Gu Mingyuan. “Interest Is the Biggest Drive of Study”. Posted on qq.com, August 15, 2014,http://edu.qq.com/a/20140815/015290.htm.

He Yingchun. “Reflection on ‘Fudan Poisoning Case’: We Need to Learn to Forgive”. Posted on people.com, February 18, 2014.

Ji Lin. “Wei Yu: Socio-Emotional Competency Will Affect Children for the Lifetime,” Shanghai Education News, April 28, 2013.

Liang Jianmin, et al. “Zheng Yefu: Primary and Middle School Education Is Killing Creativity”. Information Times, October 9, 2013.

Li Jimei and Feng Xiaoxia. Interpretation of Guideline of Children’s Learning and Development for 3−to 6-year-old Children, People’s Education Press, 2013.

Liu Shiyu. “Ni Minjing: The Meaning of PISA Test Is to Enlighten the Evaluation Reform”. Shanghai Education News, December 19, 2013.

Luo Yangjia, Shanghai Education. “Shanghai Student’s Top Performance in PISA Evokes Thinking”. Posted on Xinhuanet.com, March 17, 2011.

Ma Bei Bei. “National Physique Evaluation: Chinese Youth’s Physique Has Decreased for 10 Years”. China Youth Daily, March 30, 2010.

Ministry of Education of the PRC, Department of Basic Education. Interpretation of Kindergarten Education Guidelines. Phoenix Education Publishing, 2002, repr. 2012.

“Guidance on Current Efforts to Strengthen the Management of Primary and Secondary Schools”. April 22, 2009.