Интернаука №16 (часть3) 2020 (Журнал «Интернаука») - страница 73


10. Gaidenko P.P. Scientific rationality and philosophical mind. M., 2003, p.73-78.


Журнал «Интернаука»

№ 16 (145), часть 3, 2020 г.




Kim Chung Hyok

Candidate of chemical sciences, Kim Il Sung University,

DPRK, Pyongyang

Im Jon Gil

Doctor of chemical sciences, associate Professor, Kim Il Sung University,DPRK, Pyongyang

Pak Ho Song

Candidate of chemical sciences, Kim Il Sung University,

DPRK, Pyongyang


TBP-St-DVB extractant polymer resin was prepared from tri-butylphosphate, styrene and divinylbenzene by suspension polymerization. On extraction chromatograph column, while kinetic process of Ga extraction could be assumed to be simultaneous process of film diffusion and gel diffusion, activation energy of Ga extractive reaction on column was E*=14.92kJ·mol-1.

Keyword: extractant, polymer resin, synthesis, Gallium, Zinc, separation.

1. Introduction

2.2. Extraction of Ga and Zn with TBP-St-DVB ex-

Extractant polymer resins are new type of separa-

tractant polymer resin

tion functional materials that have advantages of solvent

Static condition

extraction and ion exchange technology and overcome

First, extractant resin was swollen in 1mol·L-1 HCl

disadvantages of those.

solution for 24h. Then 1mL of 67Ga solution

In early papers, kinetics of Ga separation by TBP-

(40kBq·mL-1) was injected into 10mL of hydrochloride

St-DVB extractant polymer resin was not studied.

acid solution (concentration of Ga ion; 20mg·L-1) and In this paper, results of kinetic research about 67Ga

mixed. 1g of extractant resin (TBP concentration 30%, separation on hydrochloride solution from Zn target

granular size 0.3~0.4mm) was applied into solution and

bombed by ion beam accelerator were described based

mixed at 60rpm. Equilibrium time was determined when

on synthesizing TBP-St-DVB extractant polymer resin

radioactivity of solution didn’t change by time.

containing TBP as extractant.

Dynamic condition

2. Experimental

A glass column (0.8×25cm) was packed with 0.8g

2.1. Synthesis of TBP-St-DVB extractant polymer

of swollen 30% TBP-St-DVB extractant resin and


washed with HCl solution.

Synthesis of extractant polymer resin containing

GaCl3/6mol·L-1 HCl solution was flown through the

30% TBP was carried out in glass reactor supplied by a

column at flow rate of 1mL·min-1 to extract 67Ga. After

mixer, a thermometer and a reversed refrigerator.