План Б: Как пережить несчастье, собраться с силами и снова ощутить радость жизни (Грант, Сэндберг) - страница 136

55 (2012): 458–76; Yitzhak Fried and Gerald R. Ferriss, "The Validity of the Job Characteristics Model: A Review and Meta-Analysis," Personnel Psychology 40 (1987): 287–322; PayScale, "The Most and Least Meaningful Jobs," по состоянию на 14 декабря 2016 г.: www.payscale.com/data-packages/most-and-least-meaningful-jobs/.

значимая работа предотвращает истощение: Adam M. Grant and Sabine Sonnentag, "Doing Good Buffers Against Feeling Bad: Prosocial Impact Compensates for Negative Task and Self-Evaluations," Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 111 (2010): 13–22; Adam M. Grant and Elizabeth M. Campbell, "Doing Good, Doing Harm, Being Well and Burning Out: The Interactions of Perceived Prosocial and Antisocial Impact in Service Work," Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 80 (2007): 665–91. См. также: Thomas W. Britt, James M. Dickinson, DeWayne Moore, et al., "Correlates and Consequences of Morale Versus Depression Under Stressful Conditions," Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 12 (2007): 34–47; Stephen E. Humphrey, Jennifer D. Nahrgang, and Frederick P. Morgeson, "Integrating Motivational, Social, and Contextual Work Design Features: A Meta-Analytic Summary and Theoretical Extension of the Work Design Literature," Journal of Applied Psychology 92 (2007): 1332–56.

А в те дни, когда им удается сделать: Sabine Sonnentag and Adam M. Grant, "Doing Good at Work Feels Good at Home, but Not Right Away: When and Why Perceived Prosocial Impact Predicts Positive Affect," Personnel Psychology 65 (2012): 495–530.

Количество заявок, поданных в Teach for America, утроилось: Abby Goodnough, "More Applicants Answer the Call for Teaching Jobs," The New York Times, February 11, 2002: www.nytimes.com/learning/students/pop/20020212snaptuesday.html.

До атаки террористов работа: Amy Wrzesniewski, "It's Not Just a Job: Shifting Meanings of Work in the Wake of 9/11," Journal of Management Inquiry 11 (2002): 230–34.

люди чаще обретают смысл жизни: J. Curtis McMillen, Elizabeth M. Smith, and Rachel H. Fisher, "Perceived Benefit and Mental Health After Three Types of Disaster," Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 65 (1997): 733–39.

После того как судьба напоминает им: Philip J. Cozzolino, Angela Dawn Staples, Lawrence S. Meyers, and Jamie Samboceti, "Greed, Death, and Values: From Terror Management to Transcendence Management Theory," Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 30 (2004): 278–92; Adam M. Grant and Kimberly Wade-Benzoni, "The Hot and Cool of Death Awareness at Work: Mortality Cues, Aging, and Self-Protective and Prosocial Motivations,"