План Б: Как пережить несчастье, собраться с силами и снова ощутить радость жизни (Грант, Сэндберг) - страница 139

73 (2013): 143–53.

«радость – это величайший акт неповиновения»: Bono, цит. по: Brian Boyd, "Bono: The Voice of Innocence Experience," The Irish Times, September 18, 2015: www.irishtimes.com/culture/music/bono-the-voice-of-innocence-and-experience-1.2355501; цитата изменена с «акт неповиновения» на «величайший акт неповиновения» с разрешения.

Но счастье – это частота: Ed Diener, Ed Sandvik, and William Pavot, "Happiness Is the Frequency, Not the Intensity, of Positive Versus Negative Affect," in Subjective Well-Being: An Interdisciplinary Perspective, ed. Fritz Strack, Michael Argyle, and Norbert Schwartz (New York: Pergamon, 1991).

В исследовании скорбящих супругов: Frank J. Infurna and Suniya S. Luthar, "The Multidimensional Nature of Resilience to Spousal Loss," Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (in press): http://psycnet.apa.org/psycinfo/2016-33916-001/.

«То, как мы проводим наши дни»: Annie Dillard, The Writing Life (New York: Harper & Row, 1989).

«Счастье – это радость, которую ты находишь»: Tim Urban, "How to Pick Your Life Partner – Part 2," Wait but Why, February 2014: http://waitbutwhy.com/2014/02/pick-life-partner-part-2.html.

мы по своей природе легче замечаем плохое: Paul Rozin and Edward B. Royzman, "Negativity Bias, Negativity Dominance, and Contagion," Personality and Social Psychology Review 5 (2001): 296–320; Roy F. Baumeister, Ellen Bratslavsky, Catrin Finkenauer, and Kathleen D. Vohs, "Bad Is Stronger than Good," Review of General Psychology 5 (2001): 323–70.

Но сегодня мы уделяем слишком много внимания: Anita DeLongis, James C. Coyne, Gayle Dakof, et al., "Relationship of Daily Hassles, Uplifts, and Major Life Events to Health Status," Health Psychology 1 (1982): 119–36; Vivian Kraaij, Ella Arensman, and Philip Spinhoven, "Negative Life Events and Depression in Elderly Persons: A Meta-Analysis," The Journals of Gerontology Series B 57 (2002): 87–94.

Когда мы даем название негативным эмоциям: Michele M. Tugade, Barbara L. Fredrickson, and Lisa Feldman Barrett, "Psychological Resilience and Positive Emotional Granularity: Examining the Benefits of Positive Emotions on Coping and Health," Journal of Personality 72 (2004): 1161–90.

ведение записей о радостных событиях: Chad M. Burton and Laura A. King, "The Health Benefits of Writing About Intensely Positive Experiences," Journal of Research in Personality 38 (2004): 150–63; Joyce E. Bono, Theresa M. Glomb, Winny Shen, et al., "Building Positive Resources: Effects of Positive Events and Positive Reflection on Work Stress and Health,"