Уинстон Черчилль. Против течения. Оратор. Историк. Публицист. 1929-1939 (Медведев) - страница 538

Weidhorn M. A Harmony of Interests: Explorations in the Mind of Sir Winston Churchill. L.: Associated University Press, 1992.

Weidhorn M. Sword and Pen: A Survey of the Writings of Sir Winston Churchill. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1974.

Wheeler-Bennett J. (ed.). Action this Day: Working with Churchill. L.: Macmillan, 1968.

Wilson J. Lawrence of Arabia: The Authorized Biography of T.E. Lawrence. NY.: Atheneum, 1990.

Wolff M. (ed.). The Collected Essays of Sir Winston Churchill. Vol. IV. Churchill at Large. L.: Library of Imperial History, 1975.

Статьи и эссе

Alkon P.K. Democracy in the Age of Information // Finest Hour. № 146. P. 56–57.

Alkon P.K. Future Shock? The Contingency of What Lies Ahead // Finest Hour. № 149. P. 59–61.

Alkon P.K. Future Shock: Weapons of Mass Destruction П Finest Hour. № 148. P. 50–52.

Alkon P.K. Churchill on Clemenceau: His Best Student? Part 1 // Finest Hour. № 150. P. 16–19.

Alkon P.K. Churchill on Clemenceau: His Best Student? Part 2 // Finest Hour. № 151. P. 38–42.

Alkon P.K. Imagining Scenarios // Finest Hour. № 119. P. 36–41.

Alkon P.K. The Writing of Seven Pillars II Finest Hour. № 119. P. 30–31.

Arnn L. The Gandhi Factor // Finest Hour. № 108. P. 12.

Callahan R.A. The Leader as Imperialist: Churchill and the Kings Other Army // Finest Hour. № 158. P. 25–27.

Chenoweth E.L. All the Worlds a Stage: Churchill and the Theatre // Finest Hour. № 152. P. 40–43.

Churchill WS. A King is Crowned // Collier’s. 1937. May 15. P. 12–13, 57.

Churchill WS. An English Classic // Finest Hour. № 119. P. 34–35.

Churchill WS. Are We Too Clever? // Collier’s. 1932. August 27. P. 10–11, 48.

Churchill WS. Bombs Don’t Scare Us Now // Collier’s. 1939. June 17. P. 11, 56–58.

Churchill WS. Can America Keep Out of War // Collier’s. 1937. October 2. P. 14–15, 38–39.

Churchill WS. Defense in the Pacific // Collier’s. 1932. December 17. P. 12-13, 30.

Churchill WS. Dictators on Dynamite // Collier’s. 1938. September 3. P. 14, 17, 26.

Churchill WS. Edward the Eighth // Collier’s. 1937. June 5. P. 27, 39.

Churchill WS. Englands No Man // Collier’s. 1937. October 14. P. 78–81.

Churchill W.S. Everybody’s Language // Collier’s. 1935. October 26. P. 24, 37–38.

Churchill W.S. Everybody’s Language // Finest Hour. № 142. P. 22–26.

Churchill WS. How We Can Restore the Lost Glory to Democracy // Finest Hour. № 146. P. 12–15.

Churchill WS. How We Carry Liquor // Collier’s. 1934. August 25. P. 10–11, 38.

Churchill WS. Introduction I Battaglia O.F. (ed.). Dictatorship on its Trial, By Eminent Leaders of Modern Thought. NY.: Harcourt, Brace and company, 1931. P. 7–10.