Уинстон Черчилль. Против течения. Оратор. Историк. Публицист. 1929-1939 (Медведев) - страница 540

№ 155. P. 6–7.

Langworth R.M. Bring a Friend — If you have one // Finest Hour. № 152. P. 7.

Langworth R.M. Churchill and India: Again and Again and Again // Finest Hour. № 136. P. 55–56.

Langworth R.M. Churchill and Lawrence // Finest Hour. № 119. P. 18–19.

Langworth R.M. Churchill and the Art of the Statesman-Writer // Finest Hour. № 102. P. 14–21.

Langworth R.M. Churchill and the Rhineland // Finest Hour. № 141. P. 16–21.

Langworth R.M. Did Churchill Ever Admire Hitler? // Finest Hour. № 156. P. 33–34.

Low A.M. Churchill and Science / Eade C. (ed). Churchill by his Contemporaries. L.: Reprint Society, 1955. P. 303–311.

McKay J. The Leaders Personal Qualities // Finest Hour. № 158. P. 39–40.

McKercher B.J.C. The Limitations of the Politician-Strategist: Winston Churchill and the German Threat, 1933-39 I Maurer J.H. (ed.). Churchill and Strategic Dilemmas Before the World Wars. L.: Frank Cass Publishers, 2003. P. 88–121.

Muggeridge M. Churchill the Biographer and Historian / Eade C. (ed). Churchill by his Contemporaries. L.: Reprint Society, 1955. P. 234–239.

Muller J.W. A Good Englishman: Politics and War in Churchill’s Life of Marlborough // The Political Science Reviewer. Vol. 18. 1988. P. 85–125.

Muller J.W. A Kind of Dignity and Even Nobility: Winston Churchill’s Thoughts and Adventures // The Political Science Reviewer. Vol. 16, 1986. P. 281–315.

Muller J.W. Churchill the Writer // The Wilson Quarterly. Vol. 18, 1994. P. 38–48.

Muller J.W. War on the Nile: Winston Churchill and the Reconquest of the Sudan I The Political Science Reviewer. Vol. 20,1991. P. 223–263.

Olausson P., Langworth R.M. Churchill and the Plunging Investor // Finest Hour. № 136. P. 37.

Painter and Pigeon // Finest Hour. № 144. P. 34.

Riddles, Mysteries, Enigmas // Finest Hour. № 138. P. 19.

Riddles, Mysteries, Enigmas // Finest Hour. № 153. P. 10.

Riddles, Mysteries, Enigmas // Finest Hour. № 156. P. 14.

Shaw G.B. A Word More about Verdi // The Anglo-Saxon Review. Vol. 8. P. 221–229.

Shaw G.B. Churchill the Man of Talent I Eade C. (ed). Churchill by his Contemporaries. L.: Reprint Society, 1955. P. 318–319.

Siwertz S. Winston Spencer Churchill I Frenz H. (ed.). Nobel Lectures in Literature 1901–1967. Amsterdam: Elsevier Publishing Company, 1969. P. 488–492.

Soames E. Chartwell Childhood 11 Finest Hour. № 71. P. 20–22.

Sterling C.H. Churchill and Air Travel // Finest Hour. № 118. P. 24–29. Tolpannen B.P. Churchill and Chaplin // Finest Hour. № 142. P. 16–21.

Thompson W.H. Guarding Churchill I Eade C. (ed). Churchill by his Contemporaries. L.: Reprint Society, 1955. P. 163–170.