Семь грехов памяти. Как наш мозг нас обманывает (Шектер) - страница 195

Reinitz M. T., Morrisey J., Demb J. The role of attention in face encoding // Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 1994. Vol. 20. P. 161–168.

Reiser M. Investigative hypnosis // Psychological methods in criminal investigation and evidence / ed. by D. C. Raskin. N. Y.: Springer, 1990. P. 151–190.

Reynolds M., Brewin C. R. Intrusive memories in depression and posttraumatic stress disorder // Behaviour Research and Therapy. 1999. Vol. 37. P. 201–215.

Ribot T. Diseases of memory. N. Y.: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1882 (original work published 1881).

Riefer D. M., Kevari M. K., Kramer D. L. F. Name that tune: Eliciting the tip-of-the-tongue experience using auditory stimuli // Psychological Reports. 1995. Vol. 77. P. 1379–1390.

Rime B. Mental rumination, social sharing, and the recovery from emotional exposure / Emotion, disclosure, and health / ed. by J. W. Pennebaker. Washington, D. C.: American Psychological Association, 1995. P. 271–291.

Roediger H. L. III, McDermott K. B. Creating false memories: Remembering words not presented in lists // Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 1995. Vol. 21. P. 803–814.

Roese N. J. Counterfactual thinking // Psychological Bulletin. 1997. Vol. 121. P. 133–148.

Roese N. J., Hur T. Affective determinants of counterfactual thinking // Social Cognition. 1997. Vol. 15. P. 274–290.

Roese N. J., Maniar S. D. Perceptions of purple: Counterfactual and hindsight judgements at Northwestern Wildcats football games // Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 1997. Vol. 23. P. 1245–1253.

Ross D. F., Ceci S. J., Dunning D., Toglia M. P. Unconscious transference and mistaken identity: When a witness misidentifies a familiar but innocent person // Journal of Applied Psychology. 1994. Vol. 79. P. 918–930.

Ross M., Sicoly F. Egocentric biases in availability and attribution // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 1979. Vol. 37. P. 322–336.

Ross M. Relation of implicit theories to the construction of personal histories // Psychological Review. 1989. Vol. 96. P. 341–357.

Ross M., Wilson A. E. Constructing and appraising past selves // Memory, brain, and belief / ed. by D. L. Schatter and E. Scarry. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1999.

Rubin S. R., van Petten C, Glisky E. L., Newberg W. M. Memory conjunction errors in younger and older adults: Event-related potential and neuropsychological data // Cognitive Neuropsychology. 1999. Vol. 16. P. 459–488.

Rudy L., Goodman G. S. Effects of participation on children’s reports: Implications for children’s testimony // Developmental Psychology. 1991. Vol. 27. P. 527–538.