Дураки, мошенники и поджигатели. Мыслители новых левых (Скрутон) - страница 250

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Badiou A. 2012. The Adventure of French Philosophy / ed. and transl. by B. Bosteels. L.: Verso.

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Besançon А. 1981. The Intellectual Origins of Leninism / transl. by S. Matthews. Oxford: Blackwell.

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Böhm-Bawerk E. von. 1949. Karl Marx and the Close of His System / ed. by P.M. Sweezy. N.Y.: Augustus M. Kelley.

Borkenau F. 1962. World Communism. N.Y.: University of Michigan Press.

Bradbury M. 1987. Mensonge: My Strange Quest for Henri Mensonge, Structuralism’s Hidden Hero. L.: Random House.

Brague R. 2005. La loi de Dieu: histoire philosophique d’une alliance. Paris: Gallimard.

Bricmont J., Sokal A. 1997. Impostures Intellectuelles. Paris: Odile Jacob.

Brunner E. 1980. Industrial Analysis Revisited // Price Theory: Selected Readings / ed. by H. Townsend. 2nd ed. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books.

Burnier M.-A. 1984. Le Testament de Sartre. Paris: O. Orban.

Cohen G.A. 1979. Karl Marx’s Theory of History: A Defence. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Cohen P.J. 2008. Set Theory and the Continuum Hypothesis. Mineola, N.Y.: Dover Publications.

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Colley L. 1992. Britons: Forging the Nation 1707–1837. New Haven; L.: Yale University Press.

Collier P., Horowitz D. 1989. Destructive Generation: Second Thoughts about the Sixties. N.Y.: Simon & Schuster.