Дураки, мошенники и поджигатели. Мыслители новых левых (Скрутон) - страница 252

Gadamer H.-G. 1979. Truth and Method. L.: Sheed and Ward.

Galbraith J.K. 1952. American Capitalism: The Concept of Countervailing Power. Cambridge (Mass.): The Riverside Press.

Galbraith J.K. 1964. Economic Development. Cambridge (Mass.): Harvard University Press.

Galbraith J.K. 1969. The Affluent Society. 2nd rev. ed. L.: Hamish Hamilton.

Galbraith J.K. 1972. The New Industrial State. 2nd ed. L.: Andre Deutsch.

Genosko G. 1998. Guattari’s Schizoanalytic Semiotics // Deleuze and Guattari: New Mappings in Politics, Philosophy and Culture / ed. by E. Kaufman, K.J. Heller. Minneapolis; L.: University of Minnesota Press.

Gentile G. 1925. Che cosa e il fascismo? Discorse e polemichi. Florence: Vallechi.

Gorz A. 1967. Le Socialisme difficile. Paris: Éditions de Seuil.

Gorz A. 1980. Adieux au proletariat: Au-delà du socialisme. Paris: Galilée.

Gramsci A. 1957. The Modern Prince and Other Writings / transl. by L. Marks. L.: Lawrence and Wishart.

Gramsci A. 1971. Selections from the Prison Notebooks / ed. and transl. by Q. Hoare, G. Nowell-Smith. N.Y.: International Publishers.

Gramsci A. 1978. Selections from the Political Writings (1921–1926) with Additional Texts by Other Italian Communist Leaders / ed. and transl. by Q. Hoare. L.: Lawrence and Wishart.

Gramsci A. 1989. Letters from Prison / ed. and transl. by L. Lawner. N.Y.: Noonday Press.

Habermas J. 1970. Towards a Theory of Communicative Competence // Inquiry. Vol. 13. No. 4. P. 360–375.

Habermas J. 1971. Vorbereitende bemerkungen zu einer Theorie der kommunikativen Kompetenz // Habermas J., Luhmann N. Theorie der Gesellschaft oder Sozialtechnologie: Was leistet die Systems Forschung? Frankfurt: Suhrkamp.

Habermas J. 1974. Theory and Practice / transl. by J. Viertel. L.: Heinemann.

Habermas J. 1976. Legitimation Crisis / transl. by Th. McCarthy. L.: Heinemann Educational Books.

Habermas J. 1978. Knowledge and Human Interests / transl. by J.J. Shapiro. 2nd ed. L.: Heinemann.

Habermas J. 1979. Communication and the Evolution of Society / transl. by Th. McCarthy. L.: Heinemann.

Habermas J. 1983. Arnold Gehlen: Imitation Substantiality // Habermas J. Philosophical-Political Profiles / transl. by Th. McCarthy. Cambridge (Mass.): MIT Press.

Habermas J. 1984. The Theory of Communicative Action. Vol. 1: Reason and the Rationalization of Society. Boston: Beacon Press.

Habermas J. 1989. Technology and Science as ‘Ideology’ // Habermas J. Toward a Rational Society: Student Protest, Science, and Politics / transl. by J. Shapiro. Cambridge: Polity Press.