Дерек Джармен (Чарлсворт) - страница 112

New York, 1964.

Ginsberg Allen. Howl and Other Poems. San Francisco, 1956.

Girard René. La Violence et le sacré. Paris, 1972.

Godwin Joscelyn. Robert Fludd: Hermetic Philosopher and Surveyor of Two Worlds. London, 1979.

Hewison Robert. Future Tense: a new Art of the Nineties. London, 1990.

Jarman Derek. A Finger In the Fishes Mouth. Bettiscombe Press, Dorset: 1972.

–. ‘A Serpent In the form of a £’. Art Monthly, 114. March 1988.

–. At Your Own Risk: A Saint’s Testament, ed. Michael Christie. New York, 1993.

–. Blue: Text of a Film by Derek Jarman. London, 1993.

–. Dancing Ledge, ed. Shaun Allen. New York, 1993 [1984].

–. Derek Jarman’s ‘Caravaggio’: The Complete Film Script and Commentaries. London, 1986.

–. Derek Jarman’s Garden. London, 1995.

–. Evil Queen: The Last Paintings. Manchester, 1994.

–. Kicking the Pricks. London, 1996. Впервые опубликовано под названием The Last of England. London, 1987.

–. Modern Nature: The Journals of Derek Jarman. London, 1991.

–. Queer. Manchester, 1992.

–. Queer Edward II. London, 1991.

–. Smiling In Slow Motion, ed. Keith Collins. London, 2000.

–. Up In the Air: Collected Film Scripts. London, 1996.

–. War Requiem. London, 1989.

–. Terry Eagleton, McCabe Colin. Wittgenstein: The Terry Eagleton Script, the Derek Jarman Film. London, 1993.

Kuhn Annette. Family Secrets: Acts of Memory and Imagination. London and New York, 1995.

Le Carré John. A Murder of Quality: The Novel and Screenplay. London, 1991.

Lippard Chris, ed. By Angels Driven: The Films of Derek Jarman. Westport, CT, 1996.

MacFarlane Robert. The Wild Places. London, 2007.

Moore G. E. ‘Wittgenstein’s Lectures In 1930–33’, In Aesthetics, ed. Harold Osborne. Oxford, 1972.

Monk Ray, Ludwig Wittgenstein: The Duty of Genius. New York, 1990.

O’Pray Michael. Derek Jarman: Dreams of England. London, 1996.

Parry Linda, ed. William Morris. New York, 1996.

Peake Tony. Derek Jarman. London, 1999.

Pencak William. The Films of Derek Jarman. Jefferson, NC, 2002.

Pevsner Nikolaus, Wedgwood Alexandra. The Buildings of England: Warwickshire. Harmondsworth, 1966.

Poole Mike, Wyver John. Powerplays: Trevor Griffiths In Television. London, 1984.

Rackham Oliver. Ancient Woodland, Its History, Vegetation and Uses In England, new edn. Dalbeattie, 2003.

Röttgen Herwarth. Il Caravaggio: Ricerche e Interpretazione. Rome, 1974.

Shakespeare William. The Tempest (Shakespeare In Production), ed. Christine Dymkowski. Cambridge, 2000.

Staël Anne-Louise Germaine de. De l’Allemagne. Paris, 1810.

Stoschek Julia, et al. Derek Jarman Super 8.