У истоков американской истории. V. Квакерство, Уильям Пенн и основание колонии Пенсильвания. 1681-1701 (Исаев) - страница 336

Scofield C. I. Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth. New York, 1907.

Sharpless I. A Quaker Experiment in Government. Philadelphia, 1902.

Shepherd W. R. History of Proprietary Government in Pennsylvania. New York, 1896.

The Colonial Period of American History. New Haven, 1937. Vol. III.

Thune N. The Behmenists and the Philadelphians: A Contribution to the Study of English Mysticism in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. Uppsala, 1948.

Wainwright N. B. The Missing Evidence: Penn vs. Baltimore // PMHB. 1956. Vol. LXXX. P. 227–235.

Weslager C. A. The English on the Delaware, 1610–1682. New Brunswick (N. J.), 1967.

Weslager C. A. The Swedes and Dutch at New Castle: With highlights in the history of the Delaware valley, 1638–1664. New York, 1987.

Wildes H. E. William Penn. New York; London, 1974.

Справочные издания

Костеловский В. Объективное // Философская энциклопедия: В 5 т. / Гл. ред. Ф. В. Константинов. Т. 4. М., 1967. С. 125.

Лекторский В. Субъективное // Философская энциклопедия. Т. 5. М., 1970. С. 156–157.

Dictionary of American History / Ed. J. T. Adams. 2>nd ed. New York, 1942. Vols. I–V.

Dictionary of National Biography / L. Stephen and S. Lee, eds. Vols. 1–63. London, 1885–1900.

Waldman C. Encyclopedia of Native American Tribes. 3>rdEd. New York, 2006.

Smith J. R. A descriptive catalogue of friends’ books, or Books written by members of the Society of friends, commonly called quakers, from their rise to the present time… Vols. I–II. London, 1867.


Barklay R. An Apology for the True Christian Divinity by Robert Barklay, first published in 1678. 120 East Street Rd., G 304. Warmister, PA 18974 www.qhpress.org 2002.\









