Момент Макиавелли: Политическая мысль Флоренции и атлантическая республиканская традиция (Покок) - страница 516

Fletcher A. A Discourse of Government in Relation to Militias. Edinburgh, 1698.

Fletcher A. Political Works. London, 1737.

Fortescue, Sir John. De Laudibus Legum Anglie / Ed. by S. B. Chrimes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1949.

Giannotti D. Opere / A cura di G. Rosini. 3 vols. Pisa, 1819.

Greville, Fulke, Lord Brooke. The Remains, Being Poems of Monarchy and Religion / Ed. by G. A. Wilkes. London: Oxford University Press, 1965.

Guicciardini F. Dialogo e Discorsi del Reggimento di Firenze / A cura di R. Palmarocchi. Bari: Laterza, 1932.

Guicciardini F. Ricordi / A cura di R. Spongano. Firenze: Sansoni, 1959.

Guicciardini F. Maxims and Reflections of a Renaissance Statesman. New York: Harper and Row, 1965.

Guicciardini F. Selected Writings / Ed. and trans. by Cecil and Margaret Grayson. London: Oxford University Press, 1965.

Guicciardini F. The History of Florence. New York: Harper and Row, 1970.

Guicciardini F. The History of Italy / Ed. and trans. by S. Alexander. New York: Collier, 1969; Macmillan, 1972.

Hammond H. The Works of Dr. Henry Hammond. 4 vols. London, 1671–1684.

Harrington J. Oceana and Other Works / Ed. by J. Toland. London, 1771.

Hervey, John, Lord. Ancient and Modern Liberty Stated and Compared. London, 1734.

Historical Collections of Private Passages of State / Ed. by J. Rushworth. London, 1659–1701.

Hobbes Th. The English Works / Ed. by Sir William Molesworth. 11 vols. London, 1839–1845.

Hobbes Th. Leviathan / Ed. by M. Oakeshott. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, n. d.

Hobbes Th. Behemoth / Ed. by F. Tonnies. London, 1889; London: Frank Cass, 1969.

Hume D. Essays, Moral, Political and Literary. London: World’s Classics, 1903.

Hume D. Economic Writings / Ed. by E. Rotwein. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1970.

Hume D. The History of Great Britain. Volume I, Containing the Reigns of James I and Charles I. Ed. D. Forbes. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1970.

Hunton Ph. A Treatise of Monarchy. London, 1643.

Jefferson Th. Notes on the State of Virginia / Ed. by W. Peder. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1955.

Landucci L. A Florentine Diary from 1450 to 1516. London: J. M. Dent, 1927.

Locke J. Two Treatises on Government / Ed. by P. Laslett. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1960, 1963; New York: Mentor, 1965.

Machiavelli N. Tutte le Opere / A cura di F. Flora, C. Cordiè. Roma: Arnaldo Mondadori, 1949.

Machiavelli N. Opere / A cura di M. Bonfantini. Vol. 29. Milano, Napoli: Riccardo Ricciardi, 1954. La Letteratura Italiana, Storia e Testi.

Machiavelli N.