Невроз и личностный рост: борьба за самореализацию (Хорни) - страница 279

, 1946.

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Gertrud Lederer-Eckardt, “Gymnastic and Personality”. American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 1947.

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Harold Kelman, “The Traumatic Syndrome”. American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 1947.

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Harold D. Lasswell, Democracy Through Public Opinion. Menasha, Wisconsin, George Banta Publishing Co.

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Harry M. Tiebout, “The Act of Surrender in the Therapeutic Process”. Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 1049.

Глава 11

Harold Kelman, The Psychoanalytic Process: A Manual.

Marie Rasey, Something to Go By, Montrose Press, 1948.

Глава 13

Alexander R. Martin, “On Making Real Efforts”. Paper presented before the Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis, 1943.

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Krishnamurti, Oak Grove Talks. Ojai, California, Krishnamurti Writings, Inc., 1945.

Paul Bjerre, Das Träumen als ein Heilungsweg der Seele. Zurich, Rascher, 1926.

Harold Kelman, “A New Approach to the Interpretation of Dreams”. American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 1947.

Frederick A. Weiss, “Constructive Forces in Dreams”. American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 1949.