Свод знаний по управлению бизнес-процессами: BPM CBOK 4.0 (Авторов) - страница 239

4. De Bruin, Tonia and Michael Rosemann. 2005. «Application of a Holistic Model for Determining BPM Maturity». Business Process Trends. February.

5. Delphi Group. 2003. «BPM 2003: Market Milestone Report». Delphi Group White Paper. Boston, MA: Delphi Group.

6. Dwyer, Tom. 2004. «BPMInstitute's State of Business Process Management». Executive White Paper, April. BPMInstitute.org.

7. Fischermanns, Guido. 2013. «Praxishandbuch Prozessmanagement». Giessen: Schmitz.

8. Gartner Staff. n. d. «Reviews for Business Process Management Platforms». Gartner Peer Insights. Stamford, CT: Gartner Inc. gartner.com/reviews/market/business-process-management-platforms.

9. Hammer, Michael, and James Champy. 2003. «Business Reengineering: Die Radikalkur für das Unternehmen». Frankfurt: Campus-Verl.

10. Harmon, Paul. 2004. «Evaluating An Organization's Business Process Maturity». Business Process Trends Newsletter.bptrends.com/publicationfiles/03–04 NL Eval BP Maturity – Harmon.pdf

11. IIBA. 2009. «BABOK: A Guide to the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge». Toronto: International Institute of Business Analysis.

12. Kirchmer, Mathias. 2017. «High Performance Through Business Process Management: Strategy Execution in a Digital World, Third Edition», 24. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.

13. Kirchmer, Mathias and Peter Franz. 2014. «Targeting Value in a Digital World». Whitepaper. London, Philadelphia: BPM-D.

14. Kirchmer, Mathias. 2015. «The Discipline of Value-driven Business Process Management». Executive Education Documentation 3 Days. Philadelphia: BPM-D.

15. Ko, Ryan K. L. 2009. «A Computer Scientist's Introductory Guide to Business Process Management BPM». Crossroads. 15 4: 11–18.

16. Madison, Dan. 2005. «Process Mapping, Process Improvement and Process Management: A Practical Guide For Enhancing Work and Information Flow». Chico, CA: Paton Press.

17. Mahal, Arjit Singh. 2010. «How Work Gets Done: Business Process Management, Basics and Beyond». 1–11. Westfield, NJ: Technics Publications.

18. Morris, Daniel, and Joel Brandon. 1994. «Re-engineering Your Business». New York: McGraw-Hill.

19. Osterloh, Margit, and Jetta Frost. 2003. «Prozessmanagement als Kernkompetenz: Wie Sie Business Reengineering Strategisch Nutzen Können». Wiesbaden: Gabler.

20. Parker, Burton G. 1995. «Data Management Maturity Model». McLean, VA: MITRE Software Engineering Center. July.

21. Porter, Michael. 1985. «Competitive Advantage». New York: Free Press. Русский перевод: Портер М. Конкурентное преимущество: Как достичь высокого результата и обеспечить его устойчивость. – М.: Альпина Паблишер, 2020.